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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Midnight Sun

Call me slow or wateva.. i've only just realised that an intitial draft of the 5th instalment of the "Twilight" Series had been leaked on the internet and because of that, the author has published it openly for all to download.

OK that is not even the most exciting part yet.

Ths 5th instalment, "Midnight Sun", is the whole "Twilight" story retold from Edward's POV. Did you hear me right?? FROM EDWARD'S POV! (the very same one Stephanie Meyer passed to Rob Pattinson to read before they started shooting the movie.) it would be a torment to have to wait for that to come out and now that i know a draft is easily available online.. it is a dream come true!! you cannot possible understand the esctatic feeling i am going thru!!

so here, for all "Twilight" fans who are as slow as me.. here is the link to download the PDF (an impressive 264-paged draft!).. it is not illegal as Stephanie Meyer has oredi openly published the same link of her official website.

i am at the 140th page now.. still trying to go thru it slowly so as to savour every single emotion of the story..

story goes that the complete version will still be released but at a postponed date now.. no doubt i will still be on the lookout for that once it hits the bookstores!

but for now, this will do!! *grins grins grins!*