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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do You Want To Be Happy?

a lot of drama gg on in my life lately. strange enuff.. it is alwaes someone else's drama.. yet for even stranger reasons, i alwaes get dragged in.

i had so much gg on in my mind last night, i could not sleep. maybe i am too innocent.. or too simple. the things i want in my life, i oredi got them.. my priorities may be different from most.. but i can say confidently that i have nv been happier with how my life's turned out so far.

i like happy ppl. the sincerely happy ones. i enjoy being ard them. they make the world seem like a better place.. and give hope to the diminshing kindness in human race.

most of the time, i like to be that happy person to influence those ard me. but sometimes, i get misunderstood as being insensitive, critical and selfish.. when all of that was just the happy me trying to be funny.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." :)

maybe enthusiasm is not for everyone and not everyone wants to be happy.