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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beep! Beep!

i was over at my aunt's place the other day and we got to the topic of pagers. can't rem how we got there but we did.

so i was telling her that my 1st pager was actually my father's. he didn't exactly give it to me, but more like we used it on a "shift" basis. :p

u see, my dad was a night-shift taxi driver. so when we were out and about in the daytime, he'd be sleeping at home and vice versa.

so whenever he got home from work, he would pass his pager to me before i headed out and have me bring it to school, so that i'd be contactable anytime.

i was in primary school then! and this was the pager that i carried in my pocket: Rock Steady, baby!

no joke. i carried that to primary sch. :p and each time i whipped it out of my pocket, i wud hear jealous sighs and gasps of admiration.

but as i got older, particularly when i went to sec sch, everyone was carrying hip pagers with see-through casings and metallic chains with bells. and each time i whipped my rock-steady pager out, only bursts of laughter broke out. so i went to my dad and demanded for my own pager and got one of those cool motorola alpha-numeric pagers in nice baby blue: cudn't find the one in baby blue but this was the model!

it is such a riot thinking back to those pager days. and i dun realli understand why we needed a pager?? and eevryone who had one alwaes had to carry them in secret in sch, or risk getting them confiscated. in any case.. that was the start of the technology frenzy and led to the now-phenomenom of everyone owning a mobile phone and even up to the point of schools allowing mobile phones to be brought to school!

i kno it probably makes some feel old but i am proud to have been one of those ppl who's used a pager before. it's very nostalgic. :)


one little journey said...

i had a similar model too, the horizontal one, not the super nostalgic one! haha! i still rmb using number coding to convey messages eg. 177155 4, not sure if i got it correct still, but something like that.

can you decipher that? hehe!

Mrs. Lee said...

miss u too!! HA! i only rem 07734. kekeke... damn funny la!

one little journey said...

hello there! hehe!