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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My Last Day: The Moment
There are a few songs that truly inspire me after listening to it.. but there is only one that really speaks for me even after listening to it countless times. The lyrics ring so true for me and the way it is delivered is very emotional and makes me very 感动 each time I hear it.
Today, on my last day with my current employment.. this song means especially more. I am sad to be saying goodbye to my friends of 3 years here but sometimes goodbye is not a bad thing.. 告别是为延续回忆永恒的华丽.
I will be moving on to the luxurious fashion industry and I am very very looking forward to it. Meantime.. I am savoring my last bits of memory with this office with this song constantly in my head.
I want to thank *him* for being so understanding and not standing in my way of the decisions I chose to make. It might not be the best decision for us, but it is the best decision for me and *him* being able to respect that and be happy for me, is very very encouraging.
Whatever I choose to do in my path ahead, I will not be afraid cuz I know *he* will be there to cheer me on, rain or shine, for better or for worse.
I believe my moment is coming.. It is coming.
The Moment
像最初相信著我会找到自由 自由
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
FB is but a social networking channel, for God's sake!
Why are governments blaming FB for its crime rates? It's not their fault if its users are retarded naive.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
If you are a beauty product buff and will be going to TW soon (or knows someone who is going), you have to get this!我的美丽日记
This range of facial mask sheets is apparently very popular in TW right now and I had 2 friends go to TW recently and they both bought this for me.
I used it for the 1st time last night and OMG. I have never seen anything like that before! I instantly felt my skin tighten when I removed the mask and it is one of the few masks that didn't sting my eyes when I put it on. The results were pretty amazing!
If you click on the link above, you will see that they have many different kinds of mask catered for different needs such as:
Whitening, Brightening & Firming
Whitening, Firming & Oil Control
Brightening, Soothing & Regenerating
Moisturizing, repairs & improves elasticity of skin
The one I used is for moisturizing, anti-aging, anti-oxidant & restores skin structure.
Other masks available also include:
Cherry Chocolate Mask
Japanese Cherry Blossom
White Peony Tea Mask
Black Pearl Mask
Red Wine Mask
Interesting! The one I used is simply called the "Q10" mask. You seriously gotta use it to believe it. Especially if you are an avid home-mask-user like me!
*Am pretty sure the website takes orders, check it out if you are interested. :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Be Naturally Beautiful!
Well it's probably gonna say some things about me for stumbling upon this article on But it's good enough to make me wanna share it, so here goes! I am trying to work on those points I marked in italics! Which I consider the best points in this article cuz beauty is not just about the outside!
How to Look Naturally Beautiful
Nobody needs pounds of makeup to look beautiful. Sometimes, wearing too much makeup makes you seem less confident about the way you look. Also, it looks extremely overdone and is a turn-off to guys. Read on below.
1. Exfoliate your skin to waken it up and give you a healthy glow.
2. Smile daily. You'll reveal a new you.
3. Moisturize your skin daily, this will keep your skin soft daily and will also keep your skin beautiful as you get older.
4. Skip the foundation unless you really, really need it. Heavy makeup hides true beauty!
5. Add some pink blush to the apples of your cheeks (smile when you’re putting it on).
6. Put a little light brown or soft pink eyeshadow on your lids, but keep it natural looking by blending it. Don't use colors like blue, bright pink, or anything sparkly. It will look tacky and not natural. Try not to use tons of eyeliner. Use a brown for lighter complexions, or try black for darker complexions. Make a thin line on top of your lids near your lashes, and maybe a bit on the bottom. Use mascara on the ends of your lashes at the edges of your eyes, at a little extra just at that stop, it really opens up your eyes and makes you feel like a vixen!
7. Apply a lip gloss or lip balm. It has to look like it’s your natural color of your lips and make sure to apply it perfectly and to blend well! Sometimes, applying with your fingers will get a more natural look and less intense if the color is really dark. Also, don’t forget to exfoliate your lips at night and then applying Vaseline for extremely kissable lips.
8. Wear clothes you feel good in, and that define your features. Try to avoid wearing garment that do not flatter your figure such short women; avoid long skirts. And women with broad shoulders, avoid shoulders pads.
9. Always keep your hair brushed. To keep it in place during the day, spray on a little leave-in conditioner.
10. Get your eyebrows waxed (or pluck them yourself- but make sure you know how to do it correctly) to open up your eyes. But don't pluck them too much. If you pluck them too much it looks unnatural. Thin eyebrows are a total turn-off and look completely ridiculous. If you have naturally thick eyebrows just tweeze a little and thank the lord you have such lucky genes!
11. Stand tall with great posture.
12. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
13. Get fresh air and exercise. Both will give you a healthy glow.
14. Have a healthy diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein, and enough water. Don't diet too much or you will be so skinny that all of your bones will show.
15. Be confident, that is the ticket to looking truly beautiful!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Middle Child Syndrome
"The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things.
Being a middle child would mean they are loners. They really don’t like to latch on to a person in a relationship, there fore they have trouble keeping one due to lack of interest. Not liking to take the limelight for anything, they are not over achievers and just simply work enough work to get by, and typically that goes with school as well as a career. They are however very artistic and creative. If forced to use abilities they will work well, but do not work well under pressure. They often start several projects but rarely keep focused long enough to finish a project. The best career move for a middle child would be along the lines of using their creative. Going into a writing or journalism career, and into a career that they could freely express themselves would be good. Anything that would have hours that are flexible, and projects that frequently changed would be good for a middle born child. Since relationships are not of high importance to a middle child, often times they are alone. However, the best possible match for a middle child would be a last born."
The only thing from the above that is true for me, as a middle child, is the career part. I do need a lot of flexibility in my work and I do think that I belong to the creative field in terms of writing.. but I never chased my dreams.
But everything else, is CRAP! I value relationships A LOT and I quite enjoy being the middle child!
And also, I define a loner as someone who is incapable of making and retaining friends. So how am I a loner?? I do enjoy spending time with myself, but I do have many friends!
You know, the best thing about being the middle child, is that you are naturally freed from ALL RESPONSIBILITIES! The eldest sibling will normally be expected to do this, to be that, cuz they are the oldest. So me, being the middle child, is spared from a lot of expectations, hence, having more time for self-exploration, to become the person I was born to be, not restricted by any responsibilities and expectations (hence I like to believe that we are more creative).
The next reason, is a personal one. Or rather a personality reason. I have never liked to be looked upon as someone who needs to be baby-ed. That I would not be able to survive on my own if I had been required to be in such a situation. I like to know that ppl think I am a hardy person, like a tough cookie. Independent and confident. Hence, being the youngest in the family would not have helped me much in that area. Which is why I like being the middle child, that I am still playing the older sibling role to someone, despite not being the eldest. Without the responsibilities, of course!
You can call me weird, but I also kinda liked the fact that my mom always paid more attention to my elder sister and younger brother than she did me. Cuz then I was allowed to do anything I wanted, without any supervision (outings with boyfriends, late night escapades with girlfriends etc)! I count myself very lucky that I turned out to be an alright-kid despite given so much freedom during my younger days.
Lastly, because I am the middle child, my older sister has broken all the house rules for me so that when my time came, I no longer had to negotiate curfews or ask for more pocket money cuz someone has already set the standards for me, and they are pretty good, trust me! I guess this is a case-by-case thing, if you are a party animal and your older sibling is a bookworm.... it's just too bad yo! I certainly had a good childhood and it was largely due to my super cool older sister!! She broke all the rules and at the same time, assumed all the responsibilities an older sister should. I guess anyone in my shoes would have loved being a middle child!
So tell me, what is so bad about being a middle child? I loved it and am still loving it!
This post was inspired by Karen Cheng's post here.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 05, 2010
If you could have make-up on only one facial feature, which would it be?
My eyes. My theory is to draw attention to your best asset so no one will notice your flaws. And I love my eyes.
When, if ever, would you step out of the house without make-up?
Weekends. I try to let my skin breathe during the weekends. Unless there is an event like a wedding that I have to attend, I will doll up. Otherwise, it's me, my shades and my cap.
Which facial feature are you most insecure about?
None, I like what my momma gave me. But if face shape can be considered a facial feature that I would say face shape. I wish I had a less square jaw.
What are your make-up must-haves?
Shu Uemura Eyebrow Pencil, I don't have much of an eyebrow and this pencil really stays on! MAC Concealer, it's liquid yet the coverage is good. I have had pretty dark eye circles from young so a good concealer is important. I try not to use concealer sticks as they are very drying to the skin around the eye area and causes fine lines.
What is your secret to beautiful skin?
Well there isn't really a secret. I just make sure I remove every bit of my make up at the end of the day and slap on all my beauty products religiously, twice a day. Which is a 7-step regime, btw! Oh and also face masks, I try to do them twice a week.
Complete this sentence: Beauty is... good skin. Because groundwork is important!
Post was inspired from here. I am lacking the courage to post a 素颜照 of myself.. maybe next time. :p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Spinning around.
Last night I dreamt that you sent me to the train station one morning. And just before I boarded the train to go to work, you held me up and spun us round and round on your heels, I was laughing with my arms wide open above you, your face staring happily up at me. We were spinning in our own world, like no one is around. You told me that if you could, you would go to work with me everyday.
It was a short and silly dream, but I woke up with a big smile on my face.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:02 PM 0 comments