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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Send some flowers my way!
Ellen Degeneres had this delivered to Taylor Swift after her CMA wins.
IT IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!What a bright and cheery colour combi! So pretty, I love it!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am still here.
I have not forgotten about my blog.. just too many things going on right now and I've begun to stop recording the upsetting bits of my life on my blog simply cuz, I don't wish to see their traces long after it's over.
So with many unhappy things going on right now, there just ain't no time for anything happy to happen to me, yet.
And the next time I update my blog, I will be sure it will be about something happy.
Have a great week ahead, all. I know mine would b less than great. :S
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 01, 2009
模特儿 turned 演员 turned 歌手
郑元畅出专辑。。 有一点搞笑啦。。 不过我还是会支持啦。。 我是一个对人不对事的人嘛!:p 像我同事说的一样。。 虽然他唱歌不怎么样,但是事实是,“不死心”的旋律真的很不错啦。 并不是我偏心哦!
我还以为棒棒堂会是我最盲目去支持的歌手/团体。。 怎么知道突然冒出了一个郑元畅转型!
没办法啦。。 看来我这一辈子是注定被帅哥俊男主宰我的命运!
我年纪也不小了。。 想追星的话,真的会有一点不好意思勒。 再说,新一代的帅哥俊男我都快不认识了!什么韩国F4啦,什么张芸京我都不懂。 ok,至少我知道张芸京是个女生。:p 我还蛮喜欢她的!
最近收听93.3FM的时候,都会一头雾水。不知道播的是什么歌! 这下就会觉得自己老了。。 跟不上潮流!
不过没关系啦。。 人老心不老!
现在要回去听我的郑元畅唱歌了!大家有机会也听听看。。 就算不好听,笑一下也好。:p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:13 PM 0 comments