i took last friday off and had an early headstart to the weekend! but i had so much fun that it passed in a flash!
the day started with Mindy's housewarming (the very reason my colleagues and i took off from work - so that we cud all escape to Mindy's place!) at Grandeur 8 at AMK Central.
It was a nice and sunny day, perfect for swimming BUT all of us, ladies, either were not in the mood or were in those days of the month. so we skipped it. decided to lounge ard and pig out instead!
Mindy had prepared a healthy and delicious lunch for all of us!
The apparently very famous "Lana Chocolate Cake" that I nv heard abt until recently! I think it is a generation gap thing.. all of them are 70s babies! :p
It was good tho! Similar to the famous "Awfully Chocolate Cake" that are famous with the 80s babies! :p
Jacq brought her "Pig's trotters with vinegar" for us and of cuz, the very pregnant Tricia!It was delicious!
Apart from the delicious pig trotters that Jacq brought, she also brought her along her giant 2.5yo son, Leroy! (He is BIG for his age!)
He is so cute la!
Leroy is super active! and this was the closest i cud get to a good picture with him! (and without him moving too much!)
Last but not least.. a group photo!
At one point, all of them were puzzled why i was taking so many photos and why i cud not just sit down and have fun.. but thing was.. i was having fun taking photos! :( generation gap la.. 70s babies dun like to take photos i think. :p
and NO... that was hardly the end of my friday! i left in the evening to meet Jos for KTV!
I was one hour late so poor Jos sang by herself in the cold room for an hour.. SORRY, JOS!!
After that, we both went to meet Fiona for the BIG TALK - the one I was talking abt in my previous entry.. mm.. i'll talk abt that in the next post. :)
and after Fiona left, Cheryl, Yvonne and 3sa came to join us.. Jos and I sat thru another dinner with them and headed for our long-awaited SEX AND THE CITY Movie! (Yes, I know I've watched it oredi but I really want to watch it again with them girlies!) :) I realised I still enjoyed the movie second time round and so did the girls! Jos also saw it prior to this and she was so tired that she fell aslp beside me in the theatre. :/
after the movie the 4 of us headed for supper at river valley and i reached home at 5am that day! *yawns*
*he* booked out on Saturday!! i waited for him to wake from his afternoon nap before i headed over to his place and went to dinner with my family as my bro booked out from camp for the 1st time!
My mom and bro! - was expecting my bro to be a bit more beefy! keke..
Me and *him*! :)))
Did not manage to take a picture of my sis and my future bro-in-law as they got off the plane ONE hour before coming to dinner and so they were late. and when they arrived, we got too engrossed in our conversations that i forgot to snap a pic of them. :p
my sister was very sweet.. she had gone to Nice for a holiday just last week and she bought me and mom (and herself) a Longchamp bag!
i got this in baby pink.. very pretty!
Thanks, sis!! This is like my 1st branded bag!! i wanted to ask u wat else u got for urself that day (i'm sure u did!) but i thot not nice to ask in front of mummy. u better tell me wat else u got! :p
we had dinner at Waraku and the total bill came up to SGD168 for 6 persons.. very affordable!! Must say this is the best experience I have had at Waraku so far.. the previous 2 were HORRIBLE!! or maybe it was simply abt the company i had tht night. :)
after dinner, *him* and i went to watch Angelina Jolie's "Wanted". All i can say is that the trailer is so deceiving!!!! One of the crappiest movie i have ever seen! *slightly irritated!*
i went for my driving class at 1pm that day and had the biggest headache EVER. the sun was blazing hot that day and even tho i was seated comfortably inside the air-con car, i cud not stop the sun from spilling into the car and the glares pierced my eyes so much that i had a bad bad bad headache half an hour into my class. :(
it was officially the 3rd time i was driving on the public road with my PDL and i'm loving every minute of it! it gives me a certain kind of thrill and i can't wait to get my license! i will be finishing up my stage one this tuesday and i jus have 18 modules more to go until my practical test! i realli hope i will get my license before my bachelorette party (Sep) so i can drive my girls ard on that day! *yippee!!*
So after that i practically lounged away the rest of the sunday with *him*.. grocery shopping, watching tv, talking abt random stuff and went thru some of our ROM preps.. :)
it's coming, it's coming..76 more days!!! :)))))))
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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫
Monday, June 30, 2008
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Of haircuts and girlfriends.
so i went to cut my hair on tuesday right.. 3sa came along as her hair was itching for a haircut. but as usual.. our stylist has a weird habit of not wanting to cut someone's hair cuz it is "not ready for a haircut so soon". :p i dun think i know another stylist who wud refuse to cut ur hair when u showed up at the salon! but well.. this is y i love him.
so 3sa opted for a hair treatment since she was there anywae.. while she waited for me.
i told my stylist that i was getting ROM-ed in Sep and that he has to come and do my hair for me on that day! but he turned me down saying he is not that well-versed in styling as compared to cutting and re-inventing. hence he referred me to someone else that he knows is good. oh i trust the fella before i kno his name oredi, cuz my stylist trusts him, so i do too! :)
so anywaes, i was sitting there, minding my own business and waiting for my turn for my haircut.. when this sweet looking young girl walked towards me with a file and offered me a manicure.
me: "huh? no no i think u got the wrong person.. i am not doing a manicure.."
girl: "oh this is compliments of *my stylist's name*! he says this is his congrats to you on ur upcoming ROM!"
me: "REALLI? that is so sweet.. thank you! and *my stylist's name* too!
and later my stylist felt bad that theresa sat there and watched me getting pampered.. so he gave her one free manicure too. HAHA. like that also can?!?!
so anywaes, the manicurist then proceeded to show me the nail colours in the file that she was holding.. and i went for something very very loud, IMO.. and 3sa chose the same thing, but hers in green:
hmm.. mine does not look so loud beside 3sa's devilish green nails. in fact the photo does my manicure such injustice! i swear it looks like candy in real.. DELICIOUS nails i have! :P
we had dinner after that and took a cab home.. and cam-whored like mad all the way home!
i deliberately chose the green tinge cuz we are supposed to look scared. 3sa where got look scared, u tell me. she has a skanky look on her face lo! wat's up with that?!??
with this girl we can have fun even doing nothing. :p thank god for the cool girlfriends that i have.. :)
so that was my haircut adventure on tuesday night. looking forward to my colleague, Mindy's, housewarming tmr!! i've taken leave tmr to start my weekend early! :)
and then the big TALK is going to happen tmr night.. will update once i have news!!
come saturday.. *he* will be back from reservist and i will see *him* again! :)))))
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
i've done the most dangerous thing ever to my hair - according to my stylist.
yes i kno i've had fringe previously but that was not a full fringe.. it was just a play-safe fringe cuz to be honest, the texture of my hair is not quite suitable for fringe. hence my stylist had been reluctant to cut my fringe for YEARS.. and even the last time i told him to cut it, he only allowed a play-safe fringe, not a full one. but i had liked tt play-safe fringe so much the last time so i told him not to worry and go ahead and do a full fringe this time.. i will not hold him responsible for any mishap thereafter! and so.. he did.. and i.. kinda regret now leh. well, all i can say is he sure knows my hair best. :p
try to ignore the heap of mess behind me and concentrate on my fringe, can? :p
well it isn't exactly horrible horrible looking but it isn't great looking either. as a result of my hairstyle move, i now haf to wake up earlier in the morning to "manage" it. that includes blowdrying, crimping, spraying and lots of lots of arranging. *pouts*
and the biggest problem with it is that, my stylist has cut my fringe too thick. i feel like it is sticking out of my forehead due to its volume. :( i need some weight to hold it down!
but oh well.. hair grows so until then.. i will enjoy this full fringe as much as i can.. after all, it is something i haf alwaes wanted anywae..
talk abt making the best out of it.. i've nv agreed more!
*ok i will be very open to comments, so if u think the fringe sucks, tell me!! :p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Listen, I have supernatural powers!!
Yogi bear is the youngest of the 4 children that Mama bear has brought up. He is also the most protected, and most doted on bear out of the 4. his life has alwaes been decided by Mama bear and his 3 older siblings, Xena bear, Caesar Bear and Winnie the Poo.
lately, Yogi bear has started his tertiary education at a local junior college. and despite trying his best to get used to the school's system and his peers for months, Yogi bear is still finding it hard to rgow accustomed to them. and more recently, he has told Mama bear abt his intentions to withdraw from the jc and head for a polythechnic course instead.
Mama bear hearing this, was not pleased. she had previously put 2 outstanding children, Xena bear and Winnie the poo through junior colleges and could not understand why Yogi bear could not do it too. on top of that, he had alwaes been the brightest child out of the 4 of them and there should be no reason why he could not adapt to the life in junior colleges.
when the family refused to allow Yogi bear to withdraw from junior college, Yogi bear resorted to saying that he would then fail this year so that he would get kicked out and them go to a polytechnic.
the siblings grew hopeless and gave in to Yogi bear's request - to withdraw from junior college and go to a polytechnic.
mama bear, however, was not convinced that this was the only way to solve the problem. she sat yogi bear down and had yet another talk with him, while the siblings sat dutifully beside her and listened intently. Caesar bear did not join them as he was already fast asleep at this point.
mama bear: "yogi, u do not kno what u r doing to ur life. ur life would be ruined if u drop out of JC now, do u know tt? why are u doing this??"
yogi bear: "i just can't fit in, mama. i dread going to school everyday and i hate the subjects i am taking. i jus want to do something i like and something useful."
mama bear: "wat if i tell u something very bad is going to happen to you if you choose to go down this road u r choosing for urself? in spite of all the advise we are giving you? i am telling u, i can sense it. jus like the last time i predicted Caesar getting into trouble and being held in a prison cell, it came true! because i did not stop it. and i dun want my premonition of you to come true! i will not let it happen this time! i am going to do all i can to stop it! even if it means i am going against the will of god and divulging heavenly secrets, i am willing to receive god's punishment! yogi, jus listen to me!"
yogi bear, at this point, was grim-faced. he knew he had no other choice but to give in to his mama who was slightly estranged at this time.
yogi bear: "fine."
mama bear: "trust me, yogi. i am nv wrong with my predictions."
yogi bear: "ok."
yogi bear then gets up and leave. Winnie the poo then looks at mama bear in astonishment.
winnie the poo: "mama, wat is the secret? wat will happen to yogi? tell me..?"
mama bear: "winnie, these are heavenly secrets that i cannot divulge.. by telling you all that i have the power of predicting the future has already accumulated bad karma for myself.. i must not tell ppl that i have supernatural powers in predicting the future.. i will get myself into trouble with the Gods.. dun force me, pls.."
winnie the poo: "ok ok, mama. i wun force you. i dun want you to have bad karma.. it's late, go rest.."
Xena bear shakes her head and retreats to her room and Winnie the poo does the same. mama bear gets up and tries to keep her balance, as if she had been exerting too much of her "supernatural powers" to even stand properly now.
she then looks to me and says her last words for the evening:
"trust me, i wun abuse my supernatural powers unless i am very sure and i know i am right!"
oh, did i not mention i was there?? yea, i was. and this whole episode happened just last night.
mother's sixth sense, yea maybe. but, SUPERNATURAL POWERS?!!? come on la... wake up ur idea, man.
all of it was jus utterly ridiculous and nonsensical! i dunno how i sat through it and not giggle one moment of it! *faints and wakes up and then faints again!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
i've alwaes thot abt this, but nv had a good occasion to broach the subject.
how do parents raise their daughters to be 自爱 (modest)?
more imptly, i think my parents have done a great job in imparting this moral trait to my sister and i. my father has been very protective of my sister and i ever since we were born and alwaes educated us abt how to behave with/ard men, wateva we do. (and probably the very reason why he insisted for both of us to be enrolled into an all-girls school for more than 10 years.) those moral lessons that my father gave us had a big impact on my life until today and instilled in me such a strong believer in protecting my own modesty.
and of cuz, speaking up for myself when it is outraged. i wud nv let such a scum of a man get away with outraging my modesty!
because of this, i totally feel that my sister and i are the most 自爱 ppl ard.. and maybe for my case, i am overly 自爱! that's why i am ultra sensitive to those 不自爱 ppl!
i say that because i have come across soooo many 不自爱 girls in my lifetime. and *he* wud definitely agree with me that the question i ask him the most is not "do you love me" or "am i fat" but "why are there so many 不自爱 girls ard".
i dunno why, but girls like them totally turn me off.
*he* has this colleague that is the best example of a 不自爱 girl to date. she literally throws herself at ALL her male colleagues at every possible opportunity.
when the company goes for a night out at the club, she wud dirty dance with any willing guy. EVEN IF THE GF OF THE GUY IS IN THERE WITH THEM! how is this acceptable??? ok maybe the guy also a bit dumb, gf in the same room still go humping another girl. but this does not mean the girl is not at fault!
when she walks past a guy and accidentally hits his head with her waving hand, she drops him a kiss on his forehead as a form of her apology. and mind u, this is not a swinging bachelor kinda guy, this is a guy who is married! her actions is so inappropriate and unacceptable! what if his wife was in the same room and witnessed this?? i dunno if she is too flirtatious to care or she simply is a tactless person. and also, wat makes her think all men yearns to be touched and kissed by her?!?!?
at this point, there will be ppl out there thinking, "wat's wrong with the above? i see nothing wrong wat.." well then i am sad to say u r probably one of those 不自爱 ppl. u obviously dunno wat it means to be 自爱 and THIS IS ALL WRONG!
sometimes i think i am way too conservative. i am absolutely mindful of everything that happens ard me in terms of protecting my modesty and i dun see how other ppl can't do it??
i alwaes keep a safe distance from men. be it standing in line, sitting inside the mrt or even waiting for the light to turn green at junctions. i am alwaes mindful that i do not give them a chance to touch me unnecessarily and then have them turn around to say that i was standing too near to them, etc etc.
when i take lifts, i avoid taking them with a single man. why shud i give them a chance to be alone with me in a confined space and attract unwanted attention?
and for something closer to home, for most, i believe.. (i find this a good benchmark to judge if a person is 自爱 or not.) wat do u do when u find out someone is interested in you?
do you:
Type A - act blur abt it and continue to go out with him and give in to his advances (meet him for lunch, go for movies with just the 2 of u), refuse him when he initiates a relationship but STILL go out with him as "FRIENDS"?
Type B - reject him from the start and draw a clear line.. at least no more private outings with him alone..
if u r Type A, u r certainly a 不自爱 person.. why do u want to do something like this for??? u r encourging someone to go on falling for u knowing u wud nv reciprocate it. that is downright wrong and mean!
needless to say, i am Type B. and a tough one at that. everytime i find out i have an admirer, i distant myself from him. and if that doesn't work, i will make sure i say things that makes it clear that things are impossible between us. i wud not even sms/chat with him on the phone.. not to mention going on a movie date with him!
see, i told u i was extreme. but so far, i am happy with this protective bubble that i have built ard myself. and it has not failed me since. to me, this is the basic rule of humanity and moral values.. and it is instilled so deep into me that it is a part of my everyday life, like i mentioned above, even when i am walking on the streets or taking the train.
i regard my modesty in the higest esteem in terms of moral values.. more than traits like honesty and integrity.
have we not been taught from young that that is the most impt thing abt being a girl?
but u wud be surprised to learn that even grown women, to this day, do not learn. sad to say, these women are often the ones who cause their own modesties to be outraged. if u make it so easy for ur predator to move in on u, who can u blame but urself?
and i am even more sorry to say that this blog post has only just begun..
some of u may have read TNP lately and saw the story abt this girl having gotten molested on a bed in a hotel room in korea, by a friend of hers for 2 years.
if u have not read abt this news yet, u wud be feeling sorry for this girl at this point.
but think abt it, why was she alone in the room with the guy and sleeping on the same bed as him?
and get this, here is a guy who has chased her for the past 2 years.. and he gets personally invited by the girl herself to a trip to korea with her. and this same girl books a hotel room with a double bed and shares the room with him. (apparently this happened due to a miscommunication with the hotel, it was supposed to be a twin-bedroom.)
ok now tell me - is this girl pitiful for wat happened to her or was she jus asking for it??? she is an classic example of a 不自爱 person! there are so many things that could have been done to prevent this from happening, such as the following:
1. 1st of all, who asked her to travel with a guy? she shud have asked a gf along, not a guy! and much less one that likes u! it is leading the guy on and inviting him to molest u, or even rape u!
2. if the hotel reservations went wrong, why did she not have the rooms switched? or go to another hotel? she risked her own modesty being outraged by agreeing to share the same bed with him! and come on, he is a guy after all.. we all know that they think with their dumb sticks at times.. and hence it is up to us to alwaes be in control of the situation, and ultimately to protect ourselves from likely harm.
3. if the guy does not offer to sleep on the sofa/floor, cud u not have offered? it is not ur fault that he is ungentlemanly, but u need not be punished for his shortcomings right? by not saying anything to suggest that u do not want him on the same bed as u is as good as consenting it!
there are one million more things that cud have been done to prevent this.. but this silly girl let all of those things go and ended up being molested. and i can't believe she even had the cheek to go and tell her friends abt wat a horrible thing happening to her. does she not realise that SHE made it happen??
i find it hard to feel pity for her.
and TNP published this story 2 days in a row. and the 2nd day showcased the guy's side of the story. it led to many other revelations abt their "relationship" and made me doubt more abt this girl's character cuz i find his story much more believeable.
she is truly a disgrace to singaporean girls.
this case has now gone public and the guy is suing her for defamation and she is suing him for molestation. gonna be a good show and i hope the Women's Charter will open their eyes on this case and not shelter her blindly.
this is jus my personal take on this matter, for full details on this story, go read here: http://jean.sg before she closes her blog.
some women jus needs to be taught a lesson.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Time Traveler's Wife - MOVIE!
i just found that hollywood is making a movie based on the novel "The Time Traveler's Wife" starring Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams!!! I loved Rachel McAdams ever since i saw her in "The Notebook".
i think she must be a true romantic at heart cuz she turns down blockbusters like "Iron Man" to do good old traditional love stories such as these. (God knows I am sucker for them!)
For those that have not read the novel, pls go grab a copy now! (Author is Audrey Niffenegger.) Movie will be out sometime end of this year!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i kno that most girls have a certain preference or taste in things they admire or enjoy looking at.. and they are normally constant.. or rather, consistent. a good example wud b men.
and i have noticed that my trend is so consistent.. most of the the men i enjoy looking at actually look alike!
敖犬 of Lollipop 棒棒堂
and ultimately.. my all time favourite.. (yes, STILL!)
amazing, isn't it.. they all look alike! or perhaps cuz chiselled-faced, straight-nosed and thin lips makes all guys cute!
and out of these 3 men, 2 are librans.. u kno, i have no choice but to agree that librans are indeed the most gorgeous ppl out of the 12 horocopes. HAHA!
whoever wrote that has got to be a libran too! *shameless!*
but hor.. there are indeed a lot of librans in showbiz that are realli gorgeous. and not jus SIMPLY gorgeous.. they are often the MOST gorgeous of their peers!
Gorgeous Libran Example 1:
金城武 - Oct 11, 1973
Gorgeous Libran Example 2:
刘德华 - Sep 27, 1961
Gorgeous Libran Example 5:
邱泽 - Oct 14, 1981
Gorgeous Libran Example 6:
吴尊 - Oct 10, 1980
Gorgeous Libran Example 3:
元彬 - Sep 29, 1977
Gorgeous Libran Example 4:
宋承宪 - Oct 5, 1976
SEE! i am not lying! all the librans in showbiz are 有头有脸 ppl! including Edison and 敖犬, that's 8 examples of super gorgeous librans in showbiz!
actually there are more, but i think they are only ok.. for example, Ekin Cheng and Jimmy Lin are also librans!
and the line that is about to follow.. i swear i did not write it.. haha.. i copied it off some random taiwanese website:
mm.. i didn't mention.. mm.. i am also.. u kno.. a libran. HAHAAH!!
ya la ya la i'm shameless, bla bla bla.. this is my blog leh!! wateva makes me happy right!! :p
***Post-note: So i made a mistake. 敖犬 is not a libran.. but he is only born 7 days late to becoming one!! haha!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 09, 2008
been in shitty spirits lately.. and i now confirm that officially, cuz amazingly, i managed to enjoy myself while out with my family yday. mm... it's not that i dun enjoy going out with them. it's just somehow the day alwaes ends in a bad way whenever i see them. it can get pretty intense.
well, either i was in a SUPER DUPER BAD MOOD yday that i actually enjoyed myself in their company, or it realli was hell of a good time (in a long time to come).
my brother is enlisting this coming friday and to be honest, i am a little worried for him. afraid that he can't cope with all the drills, can't adjust to the sleeping pattern, can't make friends.. etc etc. but well.. i think this is a part and parcel of a singaporean guy's life. and a part of me is glad that he is finally going to have a taste of life w/o us to look out for him. and hopefully at the end of it, he will learn to be a bit more appreciative. *sighs*
just found out today that a primary school mate from ions back passed away in Melbourne last saturday. apparently she passed out while she was ice-skating and that was the last time anyone ever saw her again. cause of death is not known at this moment but hey, what's it gonna matter? Nothing.. she's gone and knowing what happened is not going to bring her back..
we have nv been close friends but i rem her as an intelligent and humourous person. she was a responsible class prefect and a matured person for her age.
i hope her family is coping ok and may she rest in peace and watch over all the loved ones she has left behind.
life is indeed short. too short to feel sorry or sad for yourself or anything at all.
i may not be rich, but i have a roof over my head.
i may not haf the perfect body, but i am healthy.
i may not be able to travel the world, but i am perfectly happy where i am with my family with friends.
thank you to whoever up there who has been blessing me with everything i have.
and thank YOU for being a part of my life.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008
it's been 8 long years..
yet each time i hear your voice, the same emotions stir deep within me..
how long will i ever be able to hide u away from my heart.. and never let it find you?
别担心 去追寻
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Album Review - 林宥嘉's 神秘嘉宾 - Part 2
This is the girl in the 神秘嘉宾 MV i was talking abt. isn't she so pretty?? i loved her dress in the MV, but looking at this photo, i realised it is actually not a dress, but a top and a long skirt.
i forced myself not to listen to the album for a day and then listen to it track by track again on the 3rd day of my purchase. i thot this wud allow me to be more sensitive to the sound, and of cuz, be less biased.
but like not working leh. haha. the more i listen the more i like! it has the same kind of effect as Tanya's albums.. it wears on you.. 让你陶醉在当中.. 真不愧是迷幻宥嘉!
on second listen, i liked the track 慢一点, it's very coldplay, brit alternative type.. the kind i kno i wud love cruising to in a long car ride..
心有林夕 is more of the melancholic type of tune.. actually reminded me a bit of eason's style.. nothing dramatic abt the track but still pleasant to listen to.. not the kind that wud make u wanna jump to the next track.
爱情是圆的 is a weird track. i dunno how to talk abt it cuz it is just so out of place in the album. it sounds like something harlem yu wud sing. the 随性 type. if there was an experimental track in every album, this wud b it. it's like as if they are throwing this one in just to make him look like he's very versatile in his song genres. ok, i do think he is. but perhaps i have nv heard him attempt such a number before so i am not very used to it. or maybe i prefer the alternative side of 宥嘉. :)
the last track on the album, 再别康桥.. probably has the least dramatic effect on me. (yea, that means it's boring.) but must say his high notes are perfect on this one.. and also is a good track for those acoustic performances. :)
so there, i have completed my review of 林宥嘉's 神秘嘉宾 album! i give it 4.5 stars out of 5!!!
now i can go back to my old listening habits of repeating the songs i like on the album, er.. repeatedly. :p
i'm gg to listen to 伯樂 100 times now. :))))
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
i've finally uploaded the pictures but kept forgetting to blog abt it.
well.. nothing much to talk abt actually. check out the pictures ahead yourself!
View of the Flyer from the ground
View of the Flyer from inside the Flyer
View of the CBD/ECP
View of the IR-to-be :p
The capsule next to ours
The setting sun..
Singapore skyline as the night grew darker
When we were abt to reach the peak of the Flyer
On our way back down.. the lights flashing ard the Flyer were lovely!
View of the Fluer after the skies turned completely dark.. the effect of the colourful neon lights were pretty amazing!
The whole ride lasted all of 30 minutes and somewhere between the 10th to the 20th minute, i was bored stiff. and i truly felt it was a very tourist-y gimmick. wud probably not recommend any fellow Singaporeans to go on it but wud certainly bring my foreign friends to give it a go, it does have breathtaking views from the top, after all.
Maybe when the IR opens up, the view wud become even more spectacular! :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Album Review - 林宥嘉's 神秘嘉宾 - Part 1
i've nv reviewed an album so fast before. it's like i am pressed for time to finish listening to it.. except i am not.. just too eager to fill my ears with YOGA's voice. :)
FINALLY.. 宥嘉发片了!
at 1st listen, his music reminded me of 石康军.. except 宥嘉's style is a little more smooth.. it's like listening to 石康军 at an opera theatre.. it has a refreshing kinda sound and each track has it's own personality.
needless to say, my current favourite is 神秘嘉宾. but there are also a few others that are worth more listens as the album progresses.
the opening track, 眼色, is very drama.. very broadway and i can totally imagine the stage layout if YOGA were to perform it during a concert. one word abt the song - haunting.
the one that caught my attention 1st was track 5, 伯乐. "uncle happy"? haha.. i dunno wat that means in mandarin but the lyrics seems meaningful. and i can realli feel his emotions through the song.. i dunno how he does it, but he just nails it every time.. at least for me.
then there is this swingy, jazzy track called 病态 that also sounds similar to the way he delivered 走钢索的人 during 超级星光大道. but i prefer 走钢索的人 in this case. i guess the original is alwaes better than the sequel.
there is a song that has such a desperate tone to it that i can almost feel my heart being wrung out. 请说 sounds boring at 1st but the chorus kinda stays with you, even after the song has ended, the 琅琅上口 kind. and if u pay attention to the lyrics, u will find it quite painful.
in 残酷的月亮, YOGA adopted the signature 转音 of 陶晶莹. which i normally felt it was a technique meant for ppl who can't sing for nuts. well, apparently not. guess it is now a style! otherwise, i quite the track.. it's calming and very melodious.
and then there is that annoying 刘力杨 whom nobody knows, and dunno why dueting with so many cute guys. this time she is dueting with YOGA on a track called 传说。 it's a boring track if u ask me. *shrugs shoulders*
Part 2 of review coming up - wait for it!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008
Thank you and Goodbye
i think a lot of ppl are deceived by how a person realli is just by looking at her. and it's especially sad if it is ur own frens.
my sister and i may look to happy and carefree ppl to most. but only we both kno the kind of torture and suffering we went thru/are still gg thru to keep our minds sane and mentalities normal. i can also safely say that even most of our own frens do not kno wat we are gg thru, cuz we dun like to talk abt it. or at least for me, i dun like to talk abt it cuz it makes me unhappy. u can call that living in denial or wateva, but it makes me feel better, so who is anyone to judge? it's not like me being happy or sad is going to affect your life, right? perhaps it is worse for my sister as she went thru quite a bit more than me in terms of what-you-call LIFE.
as a result, we portray to others a deception of the life we realli lead. it isn't realli a happy life.
it's weird that ppl expect u to wear ur heart on ur sleeve.. cuz i can't believe that they dun kno when one is smiling, it does not necessarily mean one is happy and when one is crying, it does not mean one is sad.
i have heard somewhere before, that the most joyful and cheerful person u kno, may be the most depressed one in reality. it is like striking a balance in life.. cuz u kno u r unhappy, hence, u r alwaes trying to stay happy by being cheerful ard others.
i think my sister and i are such persons. but only we realli kno each other's moods.. and i dun think anyone shud b in any position to tell us how we shud behave or act. EVEN IF I OWE U THE WORLD, U STILL HAVE NO RIGHT. who is to say what one does is right or wrong? are u GOD?
this nv occurs to many ppl but i strongly believe that not everyone can offer help. you can only offer help if you have the means. and so, if u have offered help to someone before, do not ask for the help back. it is jus wrong. and it jus means u had no means to offer help in the 1st place.
lastly, i thank God for those friends that nv abandoned us or made baseless assumptions abt us during this while. and as for those who did, thank you for your help but we cannot afford ur friendship.
Thank you and Goodbye.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 01, 2008
had one of those sad weekends whereby it jus whizzed past.. doing nothing very significant. hate weekends like these! :(
i did finally manage to go for my facial, w/o the choice of my therapist. :( disappointed is not even good enuff to describe my experience with the assigned therapist. she was all business and pushed me to take on new packages, unlike my usual therapist - belle. belle genuinely wanted the best for my skin and wud alwaes give me feasible options. well, i am nv gg back for facial until i manage to get a slot with belle.
so we have been talking abt the new house and going to see furniture to do our research.. and i have since been bitten by the interior design bug. HAHA. imagine my lack of resistance when i walked into borders and saw a whole section dedicated to interior design magazines.. i told myself i wud only buy ONE and so i had a hard time picking out the BEST one. i eventually settled with "Contemporary Home & Decor" and that set me back by $14 poorer.
but when i went home to browse the magazine (eagerly), i kno every cent was worth it.. it had such beautiful decors... it's oredi inspired me to a few designs of my own preference for my future house. :) i can't wait!!!
i was watching 我爱黑涩会 last night and spotted 容嘉 in a very pretty hairdo! and i have decided to replicate the same hairdo for my ROM! it's neat and elegant and very simple to accessorize. :) now i jus have to convey the picture in my head to my stylist.. which can prove to be more difficult than it sounds sometimes. will probably have to ask him to do a trial one before the actual. :)
Have been corresponding with the Purple Sage peeps and waiting for them to give me a proposal on how I should do up the place and the buffet menu. and i also just realised I have not thought abt engaging a photographer until Cat mentioned it. So she has offered the guy that did her sister's wedding. but i also have someone else in mind which i wud also want to invite to the reception so i dunno if i want her to be going ard snapping photos or jus to be there and enjoy herself. :p
so i guess i might end up engaging the one cat recommended.
i dunno if i am leaving anything out.. but i doubt it.. i oredi have the most impt things covered.. dress, Justice of Peace, location, event company.. ok not realli cuz i still have not registered the date with ROM but i can only do that next week. and also.. the location.. can only book in aug!! i am realli going to break out in cold sweat if that does not go through!
i am going for my 1st driving lesson tmr.. SUPER NERVOUS!!! i hope i dun get a fierce instructor! :(
ok can u tell i have a lot on my mind? yea, i realli do. so much so that i can't realli concentrate at work. and it's not even lunch time yet. :(((((((((((((
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:37 AM 0 comments