宥嘉要发片了! 终于啦!等了好久哦!不过好像才刚刚收完歌曲而已。。 应该还要多几个月才能买得到吧。。
昨天在完全娱乐看到宥嘉时,非常兴奋!因为有好久都没在电视上看到宥嘉了。。 不过有小小的失望。。因为应该是唱片公司要他减肥。。他都瘦了一圈。。 不喜欢啦。。 我喜欢他有一点嘟嘟的。。 可爱嘛。。 现在的样子有一点憔悴嘞。。 希望他不是忙坏了的关系吧。。
宥嘉昨天上节目的原因是要宣传他在5月将要举办的演唱会!我听到这一句话的第一个想法就是,“那个时候我的工作走不走的开啊?” 对!我竟然想飞去台湾参加宥嘉的演唱会!他总共将会举办三场,一场在台北,一场在高雄,还有一场在台中。。 台北那场是最后一站,在5月24日。。 哎哟。。 我超想去的啦。。 不过应该是不可能的啦。。 :(
宥嘉在节目上说他这次演唱会定名为 “迷宫”。好酷哦!很适合他啦!他是“迷幻宥嘉” 嘛!:)
不过很奇怪嘞。。 他都还没出片。。 演唱会上会唱什么啊?台湾人真的很怪啦。。 唱片还没出就开演唱会?? 而且是三场耶。。 真是奇怪!会不会是因为那个杨宗伟也要办演唱会了所以公司觉得宥嘉气势不能败给宗伟,所以也办演唱会呢?
anywaes, 我会尽我所能去支持他啦。。 不能去参加演唱会就只好耐心的等宥嘉的唱片出炉咯。
在YOUTUBE才能看到宥嘉的最新消息哦:宥嘉在后台跟师姐和星光帮PK DS Lite! 玩得非常如神!
在上台前几秒。。 帅的啦!
唱片公司,华研,的庆功会晚餐! 有 S.H.E, 飞轮海 和星光棒!大家都有小小的对镜头说一些话, 像感想类的。。 可是宥嘉只频频叫摄影大哥,“来吃,来吃!” 超口爱!
宥嘉, 加油,加油,加油!:)
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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫
Friday, March 28, 2008
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
very sad.. i cannot find the diary i kept during the time i was with jimi.. :( i feel like a big part of my memory is lost.. the diary that travelled with me to changi airport whenever i missed him.. cuz that was the closest i cud b to him..
i lost it.. T_T
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
i get lots of flashbacks of my own life from time to time, especially when i am idling or watching a show that reminds me of something in my past.. and it occurred to me that the below 3 events left the strongest and most memorable impressions on me.. that until today, i remember every single bit of emotion and thought that ran through my mind and fingers at the point in time.. and i wud like to share my most favourite moments with you..
the 3 most memorable moments of my life:
in order of personal perference, 1 being most memorable.
3. Jun 2002 - NYP - Laying my hands on my admin card, after going through the downest 2 years of my life.
i remember looking long and hard at my admin card.. and the realisation that i am finally where i have worked so hard for over the past 2 years.. didn't matter than i was 2 years behind my peers.. nvm that i had to take a longer route to get here.. point is I MADE IT. and i nv felt prouder of myself.. and that was maybe the only time in my life that i felt proud of myself truly.
2. Jun 7 2003 - Changi Beach - The moment *he* slipped his arms around me.
i had been out partying with 3sa at zouk when he msged to ask me where i was. when i told him i was at zouk, he asked if he could come meet me and i said ok. when he came, we went off tgt to Alley Bar at Somerset to look for Jos and barely stayed there a while. I remember crossing the road with him and wondering at the back of my mind if he was going to hold my hand and lead me across the busy traffic. and when he didn't, i was a wee bit disappointed. but glad at the same time that he was not touchy with me. in fact, he alwaes tried to keep a safe distance which made me felt, well, safe. and then we headed to Changi beach to join his frens who were there fishing.. and that was the 1st time i met his camp mates.. he was still in NS then! and throughout the night, he chatted with his frens, while keeping close to me. and when he suddenly wrap his arms ard my waist from behind.. i knew this was it.. i jus knew it.. and his hands nv left mine from that second on. i get that tingly feeling jus thinking abt it!
1. Dec 30 2000 - Taipei - Watching sunrise tgt with him and keeping each other warm by sitting side by side and closely tgt.
YES. the most memorable moment of life has got to be those with jimi.. maybe cuz he was my 1st love.. and that the whole series of events was too dream-like.. to this day i sometimes think i dreamt it it all up.. except i didn't.. and that he is still here to remind me that it truly did happen. i remember that night, everyone was jus sitting ard, as it was the 2nd last day of the tour and after that, everyone would go back to their own lives in their own countries and put this all behind us.. so most of the ppl were making use of the last few hours to catch up with everyone.. partying.. shopping.. wateva. as for me, i stayed holed up in the hostel, while ppl came ard to visit me once in a while. and one of them was jimi.. and once he came, he nv left.. he hung ard my room, talked to me for hours.. and when the skies went dark, he asked if i haf ever been ont he rooftop of our hostel building.. and when i told him that i have not.. he offered to bring me up and show me the beautiful view up there.. so up and up we went.. we stayed there till sunrise and the sunrise was absolutely amazing. it was the 1st time i watched sunrise and also the last time until now. the subject of our conversations weren't realli meaningful but all i kno is we only wanted to be around each other.. and it was on that rooftop that he expressed his feelings for me and me for him.. ah.. my 1st love.. the last time i went back to TW in 2001, i made sure i went back to visit the rooftop.. it felt lonely to be there alone.. and i missed him a lot.. i still do..
So there you go, the 3 most memorable moments in my life so far.. i am sure there will be more to come, but for now, i am contented with these. :)
maybe if u look back at ur memory bank, u will find memories like these too and i am sure they will brighten up ur day like it has brightened mine!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
there has been a sense of contentment and fulfilment washing over me lately. every new day holds new joys for me.. even if it is simply another slow day at work, and returning home to tv dinners. i'm jus thankful and grateful that there hasn't been any unpleasant moment/happening that day. healthy thots do keep the mind positive and motivated. more recently, in trying to convert my mom into a believer of happy endings, i've turned myself into such a happy person. things are going exceptionally well for me and everyone ard me during this gloomy time. keeping my mind positive and happy has done so much good for my mental well-being. it feels almost like nothing can get me down! *flexes muscles*
perhaps, the events that are up and coming keeps me on a natural high.. as i look forward to seeing them happening.. going thru them as my personal experiences.
Learning to DRIVE!
ya so i am forced to eat my own words of nv wanting to learn driving. u see, now that *he* has a new ride, i am kind of obligated to pick up driving cuz it's not fair that *he* has to drive us ard all the time. plus i nv ever drink when we go out with frens. so it makes perfect sense for me to drive when he drinks on our nights out with frens. but now that i've set my mind to pick up driving, it's becoming v exciting for me. it's like this secret desire to drive has suddenly crept out of its closet..
i am realli looking forward to my 1st driving lesson! but for now, let's jus concentrate on passing my advanced theory 1st, ok? :p (it's on May 2!)
Beauty School - Nail Services Course
who wud haf thot.. i wud be attending beauty school? :p well.. u see, *he* is thinking of expanding his up and running business empire to manicures and pedicures and leaving me in charge of running the business for him. so if i were to be a boss-lady of a mani-pedi store, i have to know some of those myself, right? and anywaes, i think i oredi have a flair for that cuz i do my own french mani and pedi at home.. and most ppl think they're pretty professionally done. (thick-skinned, but so wat? :p) so all i gotta do now is to hone my skills and get some kind of certification for that and i am well on my way to becoming a boss lady. :) this is not happening so soon yet as *he* is still drafting the proposal for the business so it will probably happen late this year.
anybody wants to buy/sell handphones/PSPs? yet another business of his.. *he* has recently gone into the ah beng trade of selling handphones and PSPs. well it is not exactly his own business, it is shared with one of his fren and run by another guy that they both trust. it was opened jus last friday and weeks before that, i was helping him out with the branding.. coordinating with the designer to work out the logo and signboard.. i must say *he* is very lucky to have me (thick-skinned, but so wat? :p) as i haf had prior experience to doing such things back when i was in advertising. kind of made me miss account managing for a while. :p
My parents' divorce is finalized finally!
and because everything is finally settled, we can now plan for our family's (or rather wat remains of our family) new crib. easy as it sounds, there are so many things to do! going to HDB to apply for loan for my mom, going to the lawyers to get the sale of my parents' matrimonial home settled, looking out for suitable housing plans for my mom.. it realli is no joke. i've taken almost a whole week's worth of leave to run such errands with my mom. it realli sucks cuz all these places operate the same office hours as i do and so it makes it impossible to do it after work or during the weekends. thank goodness my boss is totally understanding abt it and he has not made a single noise abt me taking so much leave. well, at least not yet. :p
his work is my work!
*he* has alwaes had problems with drafting formal letters and the thing is his day job as a financial planner requires him to send letters to his clients ALL THE TIME. so once in a while, i go up to his office and draft all sorts of letters for him. and for the past weekend, we were holed up in his office, busy drafting letters that he needs to send out to clients.
So u see, i realli do haf a lot to do for the past weeks. it has kept me very busy and made me feel very productive too.
jus when i am starting to feel a bit useless at work, i realise there are many other things i am capable of outside of my boring, mundane, administrative job. (but i am realli thankful that i haf such a good boss!)
in conclusion, i wud like to say that love is indeed all around and it is up to u whether or not u want to see it. it is not hard to be happy and all it takes is for one person to spread the joy and the whole place will catch on like a fire.
so why dun u be that one person today? :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
i saw jonathan leong at bedok 85 on monday night!
ok it's not like i have not seen him in person before.. this is my 2nd time seeing him in person BUT this was different cuz it felt like as tho we sat at a table tgt (he was seated with like 8 of his frens, directly beside me at the next table, damn close to me!), chatting tgt (the tables were so close tgt, i could hear all of their conversations! to be specific, it was more like i was eavesdropping la.. haah!) and eating tgt (so close to him that i cud almost hear him chomping away! almost!).
omg, i haven't said the crucial 4 words yet. HE IS SO CUTE. OMG OMG OMG. i realli cannot take my eyes off him even tho *he* was right next to me! thankfully, *he* oredi knew of my admiration for jonathan leong back in the Singapore Idol days so he tried his best to ignore my smitten smile as much as he cud. (i cud see he was SLIGHTLY irritated. just SLIGHTLY.) :p
so anywaes, he was in a white tee-shirt and board shorts.. carrying quite a big bag and with pool/billiard cues.. he half-tied his hair and looked so much like a japanese!! he is so fair he almost reflected the neon-light right off his skin!! i cannot explain how dreamy and prince-like he looked but when i heard the voice coming out of his mouth.. oh.. my.. god.. SEXY. his low, deep voice is such a trademark. i dun think i can ever haf a fren like him. i will not be able to stop drooling. in front of him. HAHAH.
so ya, i actually jus wanted to say HE IS SO CUTE but ended up with a whole blog post abt him. HAHAHA. sorry la, i love to talk. :p
if jonathan leong ever sees this, i.. er.. lub u. (forces a natural smile.) :p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:51 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
feeling very very blue today. nothing to do with work, nothing to do with *him* and everything to do with my family. but i can't talk abt it.. :(
like *he* said yday.. i, too, hate things that have no solutions.. and are out of my control.. :(
*Posted at 10.34am this morning
Post-note: I felt better immediately after lunch.. sometimes when u take your thots off your troubles for a second and stare out your window at the lush scenary.. u feel like the problem has shrunk itself significantly when u go back to it later.
life is realli not that complicated sometimes.. :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 07, 2008
this is the 100th post of my blog! happy 100th post, blog! :p
wat a way to mark the 100th post of my blog.. i am gg to tell u wat a fool i've been this morning.
so as usual, i woke up this morning, dragged myself to the bathroom, took my 20 minute shower, picked out my friday best from my wardrobe and went on to put on my make-up, blow-dry my hair, matched my accessories and shoes and packed my bag making sure i did not forget anything. it was 9am by then. yes i was late but boss was not in and i normally can get to work in 40 minutes and ppl in my office normally only start strolling in at 9.30am. so in this case, i wud technically only be 10 minutes late. :p (i love my twisted analogies!)
so anywaes, with all those random thots in my mind, mostly abt my gold slippers that i have brought along with me to work to change into after work and grabbing my white heels from my shoe basket beside the door to wear in the office and reaching for the black shoe bag to put my slippers in and a mental note to remember my keys, i grabbed the door handle and opened my room door, locked it from behind and slammed the door shut.
the door went "BOM"!
sorry, did i lose u in my trail of thots? well, u r not alone, i got lost in my own thots too.
so much so that when the door went "BOM", i quickly remembered that i had forgotten to grab my keys.
but that's ok, cuz being the blessed person i am, i have just placed a set of spare keys at theresa's place a few days ago! so off i go to work, and will grab the spare set before i come home tonight. so i walked to the main door quickly, as i was oredi late. opened the wooden door and..
the lock on my gate required keys to open them and my key was in the room with the rest of the bunch!
so much for being blessed.
i dug into my bag for my phone (and at that moment, thanking the heavens that i had not also left my phone in the room behind the locked door!) and quickly dialled theresa's number.
she said there was no one home to rescue me out of my castle (she stays one block away).
so, i am dead. stuck between the main gate and my room door. WAT THE HELL!
think, brain, think! how how how?? pick the lock?? look for spare keys? call landlord and ask them where they've placed it??? but they've locked their room too! and i can't ask them to rush back from their work so i can get to mine!!! and wat if i can get someone to get the spare keys from theresa's place and come rescue me?? if i called landlord to ask for spare keys in the house, they'd oredi know i am being locked in and if someone came to rescue me, i'd be gone when they return home after work today and they'd find out i had their keys duplicated! (which i am not supposed to!)
these were the exact thots that were racing thru my mind in my desperation and i was realli abt to cry. it was 9.30am at that point.
i called *him* and he suggested i call the landlord. BUT I CUDN'T. and i was a bit pissed that he cud not help me. but realli, it was my own frustration.. it wasn't realli his fault.
right after i hung up with him, i got a message from theresa:
"my brother will be home in an hour."
THANK GOD! i'm going to be very late for work but at least i kno help is on the way!! and that i won't have to alert my landlord!
i called my colleague to tell her wat's happened and tt i am gg to be late. then i turned on the tv and watched The Ellen Degeneres Show. It was good. One hour went passed quite quickly. and true enough exactly one hour later, theresa's brother showed up at my gate and rescued me from my castle!!
*he* then came to pick me up and sent me to office.
SUCH A DRAMA-MAMA MORNING! somehow i fault my golden slippers for this whole slip-up. they distracted me from grabbing my keys!
i doubt i will ever forget my keys again.. ever.
oh ya, i reached office at 11.30am. how ar, like that must take half day not???? :(
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
for the 1st time in 6 years.. i went jogging yday! and quite amazingly.. i dun feel as much muscle ache as i had expected.. probably cuz i had been conscious abt not over-working my body since the last time i properly exercised was 6 years ago! so very obediently, i did my warm-up.. and started off slow.. theresa and i jogged tgt around the bishan estate.. past RI, past J8, past ITE, past KCPSS.. we ran for abt 45 minutes and spent the last 15 minutes walking home at a leisurely pace as the cool-down routine.
when we got back, we made sandwiches and salad (theresa's salad was YUMMY!) for dinner.. i haven't felt so healthy in ages! as is the purpose of starting my new exercise regime.. i have been feeling very unhealthy lately.. i can feel heart palpitations (i had heart murmur as a kid) more frequently these days and have put on some weight after CNY. so i have decided to jog at least twice a week to keep fit, and my heart healthy.
when i got home after dinner, i took a hot shower and headed straight for bed. ooohh... nothing compares to my cozy, fuzzy bed!
am scheduled for my 2nd jog this friday.. i hope my legs will not disappoint me!!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:48 AM 0 comments