so i watched Twilight for the 2nd time last night. well i've had a different kind of feeling watching it after reading the book compared to watching it prior reading the book. everything looks clearer and the story flows better this time.
unfortunately, the fact abt Rob's poor acting also became starkly obvious, the 2nd time ard. especially since after i read "Midnight Sun", which i kno he was asked to read that too to get a better grasp of playing "Edward Cullen".
but anyhows.. i still enojyed it thoroughly, purely for the eye candy and the cheesy lines. haha. i decided that the worse line in the whole movie was "I will do everything it takes to make you safe again." I dunno but this line kinda gets to me. like, "Duh!"
so anywaes.. i watched it with bestie yday.. before the show started, she was so tired from work.. having to finish up everything before the xmas break.. so she was looking listless and incredibly distracted. i tried to hype it up for her by telling her how CUTE Rob is.. and she gave me an incredulous look and told me when her colleagues found out she was watching Twilight, one of them told her, "ok, u can go and watch, but u cannot like him, ok?"
and she replied her, "ya la i kno he's urs la. i won't fight with u, dun worry."
and when i started hyperventilating abt Rob being MINE and no one else's, she looked almost annoyed that this "Rob" frenzy ard her was getting so out of hand! i even whipped out my phone to show her the pictures i had of him in my phone! i'm quite certain i caught her rolling her eyes at me.
well of course, almost surely, at the end of the show, the tables were turned ard.
"eh, send me all the photos u have him on ur phone. NOW!! and i am gg to msg my colleague that she cannot have him.. he is OURS!"
it was hilarious. she walked out of the theatre all smiley and seemingly in a daze. (like i did when i caught it for the 1st time last week.. simply in awe of the movie and Rob!)
so now i have successfully converted bestie into a Twilighter.. lemme see.. who's next?? :p
oh, and MERRY X'MAS TO ALL! :)
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♫ Stuff In My Head ♫
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Edward Is An Addiction - A Serious Addiction.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
What The Cast of "Twilight" Really Look Like
3rd post of the day.. tell me i am not obsessed!
been hearing a lot a lot of ppl complaining abt how ugly the cast of "Twilight" is.. (most of these ppl read the book before seeing the movie.. hence, oredi formed their own ideal cast in their minds - normally happens this way if you read the book 1st) and i am here to do the Twilight cast justice! (seriously, the movie did them horrible injustice! you will agree with me if u read on!)
the truth is the cast is NOT ugly at all! for folks like me who watched the movie 1st.. i find them perfectly fine.. (if not perfect!) it's a matter of managing your expectations from wat you read in the book and the director's pick. and let's not forget that it is, after all, a teenage/young adult fictatious story after all.. so pls stop saying that "Rob Pattinson is not man enough", "Emmett is not buff enough", "Alice is not pixie-cute enough" etc etc etc. they are depicted as 17/18 year olds in the book.. so for the slightly more matured folks.. pls dun expect to be seeing Brad Pitt/Nicole Kidman material in the movie! (they are way too old for be casted for this movie!)
I shall start with the mildest difference of all.. after all, she is the 1st character to be casted in the movie.. so i guess everyone one else chosen later was casted in her favour.
Kristen Stewarts aka Bella Swanher real look doesn't look too different from the movie.. the reason why she was casted as Bella, i guess. she is supposed to look like the girl next door kinda regular so i guess her styling in the movie was fine. the most acceptable one, if u ask me.
Taylor Lautner aka Jacob Blackseriously.. wat is with the dumb hair?! it makes Jacob look so retarded! and the make-up realli fail la.. so not-glam! his day to day look is quite dreamy, IMO!
Peter Facinelli aka Carlisle CullenCarlisle doesn't look too bad in the movie but he definitely looks better in person! in fact this photo that i found is also quite vampirish! why can't the stylist for the movie do anything remotely close to this? and wat the hell is with the stupid metallic blonde hair in the movie?!
Ashley Greene aka Alice CullenNow just look at THAT. i think the stylist hates her.. she looks like trash in the stupid wig and the awful make-up.. she is so so so pixie-cute in the other photo! i can see every bit of alice in her and can totally understand why she got chosen for the part of Alice Cullen. so ppl out there, stop saying she is not suitable for the part.. she is, just that the stylist screwed up her looks!
Kellan Lutz aka Emmett Culleni would show u the whole picture here if i wanted to.. jus to show u how BUFF Kellan Lutz realli is. but well, jus look at wat the stylist did to his hair in the movie.. it oredi turned me off. who cares abt the bod with a hair like that?? u kno wat they say.. the hair makes the man. (no doubt the stylist must hate Kellan Lutz too.)
Jackson Hathbone aka Jasper Cullen/HalesI would totally fall in love with this hottie if i saw him on tv.. btu his styling for the part of Jasper Hales has got to be one of the worse.. the stylist practically made him look like a clown with the crazy big hair! and yes i kno vampires are supposed to be fair and all.. but with the blonde hair.. isn't he much too fair? i feel like fainting jus looking at him.. it is like a makeover all gone wrong!
Elizabeth Reaser aka Esme CullenWhat do you do with one of cast who oredi looks the most insignificant amongst her fellow cast? MAKE HER UGLIER. i feel so sorry for Elizabeth Reaser.. the stylist realli made her look like a mother-figure despite the book saying that she is merely 26 yrs old. she looks 36 in the movie. :( (she is actually realli pretty outside of the movie, dun u think?)
Nikki Reed aka Rosalie Cullenyou will be surprised to see wat ppl say abt Nikki Reed if you google her name. cuz it fits nothing like wat u see of her in Twilight. she is HOT HOT HOT! this regular picture that i've chosen of her is not the most flattering yet, reason being.. if i chose anything too different.. u guys wud not even be able to recognise her! her styling for the role of Rosalie has got to be the worst out of the whole movie.. even her hair looks unhappy to be on her head!
Robert Pattinson aka Edward Culleni can't even tell u how strongly i feel towards the injustive done to Rob. u look at the photos above, touch your heart and tell me he is not hot. come on guys, he is perfect for the role of Edward! he is sexy, mysterious.. with a hint of bad boy in him.. if that is not perfect, i dunno wat is. i can almost see wat stephanie meyer and catherine hardwicke saw in him when they were picking out the Edward in their minds.
my conclusion is.. THE STYLING FOR THE "TWILIGHT" MOVIE IS SO TERRIBLE. the whole team of them should not have been drafted for this project at all! wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. the actors wud be looking much better as themselves in the movie than getting all made-up like clowns and sporting hair-raising hairstyles (literally)!
but with the success of the movie.. i am seriously hoping they will have a bigger budget for the "New Moon" movie and hopefully engage a better team of stylists.
maybe the new team will know the difference between "pale" and "white". *shudders!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:56 PM 36 comments
My Perfect Fairytale Ending..
Women nowadays still dream of a fairy tale ending..
but what they want is not a knight on a white horse,
but a vampire with a shiny silver volvo..
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:39 PM 0 comments
if u haven't realised, my writing bug is back! i dunno if it's the new template that's motivated me to keep writing or the obvious fact that i am now obsessing over something and hence have something to write abt.
but either way, i am happy to find my writing bug back.. i missed it so much!
i was reading abt stephanie meyer over the weekend and how she came to start penning "Twilight". turns out that it started from a dream she had.. whereby there was a girl and guy at a meadow in the woods.. and the guy was dangerously handsome and the girl was in awe by his mere presence.
and it ends with the guy revealing that he is a vampire, but in love with the girl.
and that, my friends, is how "Twilight" was born. according to her, the guy in her dream was so devastatingly good-looking that she tried very hard NOT to forget how he looked like. and in order to do that, she started writing down the dream, which turned into a series of events she made up, and in the end, led to a 500-paged novel.
after she completed the whole novel, stephanie meyer had her sister read it just for fun. her sister enjoyed it so much that she suggested that stephanie get it published. so stephanie spent the next few months finding publishers and agents and what not, with hopes of sharing her perfect Edward Cullen with the world.
the dream she had that started the "Twlight" novel, is actually depicted on Chapter 13 - Confessions, off the 1st book of the "Twilight" saga.
it's actually pretty interesting to read, if you are interested, you can read the full details here.
the weird thing abt the whole Edward Cullen thing is that.. even tho he is created purely out of Stephanie Meyer's imagination, the author herself is hopelessly in love with him too! but it is this exact passion that is being projected into the story that makes it such a compelling tale to tell..
on another note, it is good news for Forks, the place that Stephanie chose to set the whole story. apparently it has boosted tourism for the small town in Washington since the Twlight frenzy began and the official website of Forks even has a section dedicated to Twilight!
It also has an interesting slideshow that maps out the points of interest from the novel. very interesting to know that all the places mentioned in story realli do exist! (including the La Push beach and the Quiletes tribe!) click on it to take a look - but may i forewarn.. it is strictly for Twilighters like myself only. :)
so this concludes the summary of my research over the weekend on the "behind-the-scenes" of Twilight and how it has contributed to US economy. haha. this post should convince those who doubt that i am going nuts over Twilight, as well as the next line - i am watching it again tonight! WOOHOO!
I seriously have a date with a vampire!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I Just Can't Control My Mind!
i can't even rem the last time i had such bad withdrawal symptoms from reading chick lit.. i swear, this has got to be the worst ever! even the withdrawal symptoms from "The Other Boleyn Girl" can't compare to this..
after i finished TOBG, all i did was wiki more info abt the historical figures depicted in the book and perhaps took a few more days to think abt how the story unfolded in the book and the differences from it compared to the movie.. and viola! my addiction was cured.
but this.. this "Twilight" addiction is not so easy to cure.. after finishing the saga that consisted of 4 freaking-thick books (plus one initial draft of "Midnight Sun" - the 5th instalment of the Twilight Saga: this was a futile attempt to curb my addiction! it only made it grow like a monster!).. i am craving for more More MORE!! i need something vampirish to curb this addiction. i have oredi watched all the videos that are related to "Twilight" on youtube.. including those who are remotedly-linked as well.. i even have the movie trailer memorized! i have also read all the info that wiki has to offer.. as well as all the websites that spring out on Yahoo! and Google when i type "Twilight"..
and i also kno stephanie meyer quite well by now.. i have been reading fervently abt her on the official "Twlight" website.
so how, brown cow? after all these.. my addiction not only has not waned.. it has grown majorly out of proportion and impossible to ignore! (u wud have realised by now that my previous 5 posts had all been abt "Twilight".. how to ignore??)
so now i am turning to other Vampire Romance to hopefully try to curb the addiction.. but.. i have never read anything vampirish until "Twilight".. and have absolutely no idea where to start.
so this is good.. i'll have something to wiki abt in the midst of my insane obsession.
and like i promised.. here are 2 more of my fave Edward Cullen quotes, from "Breaking Dawn" (Book 4):
"But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that." Eclipse, Chapter 23, Pg. 509
"The moment Bella’s heart stops beating, I will be begging for you to kill me." Breaking Dawn, Chapter 9, Pg. 183
ok, i am off to wiki more abt Vampirish Romance novels. Tata! :p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Midnight Sun
Call me slow or wateva.. i've only just realised that an intitial draft of the 5th instalment of the "Twilight" Series had been leaked on the internet and because of that, the author has published it openly for all to download.
OK that is not even the most exciting part yet.
Ths 5th instalment, "Midnight Sun", is the whole "Twilight" story retold from Edward's POV. Did you hear me right?? FROM EDWARD'S POV! (the very same one Stephanie Meyer passed to Rob Pattinson to read before they started shooting the movie.) it would be a torment to have to wait for that to come out and now that i know a draft is easily available online.. it is a dream come true!! you cannot possible understand the esctatic feeling i am going thru!!
so here, for all "Twilight" fans who are as slow as me.. here is the link to download the PDF (an impressive 264-paged draft!).. it is not illegal as Stephanie Meyer has oredi openly published the same link of her official website.
i am at the 140th page now.. still trying to go thru it slowly so as to savour every single emotion of the story..
story goes that the complete version will still be released but at a postponed date now.. no doubt i will still be on the lookout for that once it hits the bookstores!
but for now, this will do!! *grins grins grins!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My Personal Brand of Heroin
The last time I had such an obsession over a novel/chick-lit must have been "The Other Boleyn Girl" (has it been almost a year - can't rem). I wouldn't say it is not enjoyable.. finding a great read is exciting for me.. I can lose sleep, skip meals and very likely skip work to read it. (but the last one has not happened so far, yet.)
so this "Twilight" obsession has thrown me into another reading fernzy.. I got all four instalments from my sis-in-law on sunday. I finished the 1st 2 in 3 days. i am now in my 4th day and 3rd book.. i can't wait to finish it and go onto the last book.
the more i read it the more i keep wondering if there are any Edward Cullen-s in the world. obviously not the vampire part of him, but the romantic, impposibly sweet and fiercely protective nature of a lover.. it is so awakening to my senses.. i just cannot stop thinking abt how attractive that is. i am so consumed in the love story between edward and bella that i am almost convinced that Rob Pattinson is the real Edward Cullen (especially after watching the movie). Ppl say real life and reel life gets difficult to differentiate after a while. *shrugs*
i have to warn the guys out that if your girlfriend is as obsesed as i am abt the Twilight series.. beware.. Edward Cullen is slowly forming a benchmark for comparison to you.. so start being sweet and nice!
fortunately for me.. i have oredi found "my own personal brand of heroin" (twilight fans will know what this means) but minus the marble skin, chalky face, golden eyes, taut bod, superhuman speed, omg the list goes on forever. but ya, i've found my own Edward Cullen and am content that we're both humans. :p
tho i think i secretly yearn for a life of danger and secrets..
i can't believe wat this novel is doing to me - unleashing my wild side.. if this is considered wild. haha.
i'm gonna leave u with my fave Edward Cullen quotes so far.. it's as classic as Jerry Maguire's "You complete me", I SWEAR! (but u gotta read it to believe it!)
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you." Twilight, Chapter 13, Pg. 274
"And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb.." Twilight, Chapter 14, Pg. 294
"Look after my heart - I've left it with you." Eclipse, Chapter 4, Pg. 95
There will be more to come when i finish book 3 and 4. *grinning-from-ear-to-ear* :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'll slap the next person who says he's not hot!
Unless you volunteer to have your eyes checked! (or your sexuality, for that matter!)
And i take back my words abt not being into Rob Pattinson. Have you heard his killer English accent... so HOT.. and who can have such messy hair and still look so charming? he realli dazzles!
i've come to a conclusion that all British actors have this brooding suaveness abt them.. i dunno.. the sex appeal kinda grows on u. he speaks (and has humour) like Hugh Grant and carries himself in a very Jude Law-ish way.. what a fine combination!
I would be drooling if not for the fact that I am sitting in the office!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
This is proof that i am officially OBSESSED..
And deliriously so!
I don't think I'm obsessed with the movie/Robert Pattinson.. it's more likely I am in love with Edward Cullen, the fictional character himself.. and only in a fictatious world will you find such a romantic, loyal and one-of-a-kind lover.. so technically I am in love with Stephanie Meyer's brain. :p
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:34 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Click here for full report.
I feel sorry for vivian chow.. i know the truth is her bf has done something wrong and there is absolutely no room for forgiveness.. but 20 years of relationship is no joke.. u can't throw it all away just like that.. i know i wudn't.. but it's gonna take a hell lot of work to keep things tgt..
what do u think?
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
最近常常会无缘无故地想起吉米。。 好久好久没有把他的名字挂在嘴边了。。 感觉开始陌生。。 遥远。。 但是回想起来。。 我跟他所有的记忆都非常清晰地在我脑海里。不知不觉,已经过了8年了。。 而过去的每一年,他总是用他的电话祝福陪我度过生日。。
今年的生日。。 在没有收到他的电话祝福下过去了。心情非常复杂。又怕他会打来。。 但是没打来心里又牵挂。。 不知道自己到底是想怎么样?
在我注册结婚的三个月前,我拨了电话给他。一方面是想要通报我的喜讯,另一方面是因为我不知道在结了婚之后,该不该继续跟他联络。其实心里是知道答案的。。 可是还是会舍不得。 毕竟我们大家也不是在做什么不安份的事啊。想必这就是大家所说的做贼心虚吧。
那时在电话中听到我的喜讯,我听得出吉米有小小的失落。可是他也不忘恭喜我。 我们两个就很勉强地说了些客套话。 之后放了电话。。 他传了简讯说虽然失望,不过还是要恭喜我。看了之后我真的不知道怎么回他。最终也没有回复。到了我生日的时候,没有收到他的电话, 我也很清楚知道我可能这一辈子都不会再听到他的声音了。就连很单纯的想问他过的好不好都变得好困难。像是我对不起他似的。
不知道是一种幸福还是一种折磨。虽然已经不再联络,不过在Facebook还能得知他的近况, 看到他最近的样子。有时候看得了很开心,有时候又很伤心。
就欠一点点 但这一点点
就欠一点点 但这一点点
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
i think one of the biggest reason why i love my hubby so much is because he alwaes keeps me grounded by the most basic principles in life.
he makes me see that a lot of things in life don't matter if u know how to look far and plan ahead.
so u've taken a fall today, so wat? if u get up and walk again, u r stronger than those who's nv fallen.
so u have been accused wrongfully, so wat? if ur conscience is clear, time will prove all things wrong. rem, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will nv hurt me".
i hope the above kind of sums up wat i'm trying to say. it's jus that with so many tragedies going on ard us.. i realli dun understand why some ppl still insist of making other ppl's life miserable for no particular benefit of their own. these selfish, narrow-minded and bitter ppl are truly the typical "ugly singaporean".
i think some singaporeans realli have it too good in their lifes that they forget abt the basic principles of life. wat's happened to compassion, forgiveness and consideration? and the most basic of them all - courtesy. i realli do not understand girls who are walking-swearing-machines. wat are they trying to prove? that they have a flair for insulting ppl, particularly their parents? such obnoxious behaviour has realli got to be eradicated if Singapore wants to be a civilised society.
after wat i wud call "an unpleasant episode with the ignorant", i have come to be secretly proud of myself that i can put my point across with hurling a single word of vulgarity. it did not even cross my mind to do that cuz it was realli unnecessary and uncalled for. and i believe that ppl who do that do it out of a guilty conscience and a pride too big for their own good.
i recognised that the situation was gg a place that was way out of my league and class, so i walked away. after all, i have oredi gotten my point across and how they took to it and realli none of my business.
this episode realli got me thinking - are human beings taking things for granted? that everyday we wake up, we will have nice clothes to wear, good food to eat and happy ppl ard us all the time? when was the last time we felt thankful for the bed u sleep on every night, the ppl who were/are there for you during your down times and the colleague who buys lunch for u sometimes?
it makes me think abt the movie "pay it forward" when i think abt such things. and that like the boy, i am going to pay it forward by learning how to let go of grudges and start by being nice to ppl, whether they are nice to me or not.
ultimately, i want to leave this world with a smile on my face with tears of joy and be able to look back and hope i made a difference in ppl's life..
so to the girl in my "unpleasant episode with the ignorant" - i hope u live a happy life ahead and may our paths nv cross each other's again - if not for happy occasions.
*Life is too short to have hate and regret in it. Fill it up with joy, happiness and lots of love!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
i've hit one of those dry spells in terms of updating my blog. perhaps i have not had time to myself.. hence have not had time to formulate thots in my mind to blog abt.
i find myself losing myself more and more these days.
everyday i go to work, finish my work, go home. eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed. the next day it happens all over again. when the weekends come, i am alwaes gg to baby showers, birthday parties, wedding dinners, family dinners. no joke.. this has been the case for a few months now. it was fun initially, but i am realli tired of it now. i jus want to have time, for myself.
i am so tired of going out.. so much so that i have not been out with friends, neither have i been out on my own..
i have jus been holing up at home, (or rather "room") watching re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, "How I met your mother", "Whose line is it anyway", "The Ellen DeGeneres Show", "Oprah" and whatever the TV shows.
i don't realli kno what i want to do with myself. lately i find myself doing things on auto-pilot mode. i'm jus doing it.. not realli immersing in it.
did i also mention how much i am hating work right now? i realli hate it. EVERYTHING abt it.
all of a sudden, the devil inside me is back.. the one i've spent years trying to curb it from re-surfacing again.. has resurfaced.
i hate myself right now.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I know thisad has been ard for a while.. in fact it is probably no longer seen ard these days. but i especially like it because of the very beautiful girl in it.. and somehow she reminds me of the younger me. perhaps it's the sch uniform and the ponytail with fringe.
every time i see the part when the girl's face light up upon seeing someone coming to her with a brolly in the rain.. i think back to those days when i was in primary sch and my mom would alwaes be waiting for me to come home in the sch bus downstairs our hse with the brolly when it rains. those days are my happiest cuz i get to see my mom 15 min earlier than usual. it's jus something very magical abt standing in the bus and seeing my mom appearing larger and larger outside the bus.. her eyes darting ard looking for me as i alight the bus.
maybe i am missing my mom. or my childhood.
anyhow, this is one of my favourite ads ever.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You will never bring me down.
Having you as a friend, or so I thot, has been one helluva crazy rollercoaster ride.
On the surface, you seem confident, generous, gentle, kind, funny, sincere and RICH. bottom-line, u portray yourself to be someone who has the PERFECT LIFE.
but, I, me, KELLY LIM. I kno the real you. you are a persistant liar. you are insecure, selfish, vicious, jealous and have a totally rotten personality and flawed character. worse of all, u pretend to be rich to get with the rich.
if i haven't been a forgiving friend to u, i dunno who has. my heart had to be THIS BIG to put up with all the crap and lies you've fed me with. and guess wat i got at the end of the day, YOU BLAMING ME FOR YOUR SUFFERINGS.
get a life, bitch. if u can't tell who ur true friends are, at least wake up your idea and see through your plastic-surgeried eyes wat the real world is like. NOTHING LIKE HOW U IMAGINE IN YOUR TWISTED MIND.
i want you to know that all that has ever happened to you is a result of ur own doings. i bet you wud have nv guessed that your past and your lies have finally caught up with u and instead of coming clean, u try to cover them up with even more lies. i am sick and tired of being your "accomplice" and being blamed for the repercussions of your own wrongdoings. when is this ever gonna end? when are u going to realise that it is not that I do not know wat u do, but that I do not want to expose and embarrass you?
u have definitely stepped on the wrong tail.. i kno so much of ur dirt that u cud nv destroy me. i have been an honest person to all my friends and my integrity can be vouched by anyone who knows me.
and you?? i guess only your parents can vouch for you. (that's if they even know u at all.)
I have given you more chances than you deserve and more benefit of doubt than u can even imagine. i believe my job here is done.
and for the sake of our friendship for the past 12 years, i wish you nothing but the best.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Do You Want To Be Happy?
a lot of drama gg on in my life lately. strange enuff.. it is alwaes someone else's drama.. yet for even stranger reasons, i alwaes get dragged in.
i had so much gg on in my mind last night, i could not sleep. maybe i am too innocent.. or too simple. the things i want in my life, i oredi got them.. my priorities may be different from most.. but i can say confidently that i have nv been happier with how my life's turned out so far.
i like happy ppl. the sincerely happy ones. i enjoy being ard them. they make the world seem like a better place.. and give hope to the diminshing kindness in human race.
most of the time, i like to be that happy person to influence those ard me. but sometimes, i get misunderstood as being insensitive, critical and selfish.. when all of that was just the happy me trying to be funny.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." :)
maybe enthusiasm is not for everyone and not everyone wants to be happy.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
3 birthday cakes and counting!
I know I am loved when it's my birthday tomorrow and I've already blown out candles for 3 birthday cakes! (and they are not shared.. it's my cake and mine alone!)
Oct 13 - Kbox with my Girlies (Rive Gauche Chocolate Cake - My all-time fave! Girls, u know me best! Hugs!)
Oct 17 - Swensens with ex-mj colleagues (Swensens Ice-cream Cake - no ice-cream cake gets better than this! Thanks, guys!)
Oct 22 - Meeting room with C&W colleagues (Fruit cake from downstairs office - haha.. thot that counts!)
I wonder if I am going to get more cakes this weekend??
I FEEL SO LOVED! :)))))))))))
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pre-Birthday Celebrations - Oct 13
My babes and i headed to Kbox for their buffet dinner cum karaoke session to celebrate my birthday this year.. it was a simple but happy affair and the babes bought me the super delicious Rive Gauche chocolate cake!
It was double celebration for me as it was also the same day i passed my driving test! so here i am posing with my cake and P Plate! It is super reflective!
thanks to the babes for alwaes making my birthday fun and memorable. the birthday wish i made that day was to be able to celebrate my birthday with u girls every year for the rest of my life. :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Lowdown on my driving experience!
Basic Theory Test - Passed on 3rd attempt - 2004 during my poly days
Final Theory Test - Passed on 1st attempt - 2 May 2008
1st Driving Lesson - 3 Jun 2008
1st Practical Test - Failed with 40 pts - 15 Aug 2008
2nd Practical Test - Passed with 12 pts - 13 Oct 2008
Got my license in 5 months! (if i had passed on 1st attempt, i would have gotten it in 3 months lo!)
Yes I am still very excited abt passing my driving test! :D
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i passed my driving test! it is now officially legal for me to operate a motorcar on public roads! i can park! i can lane-change! I CAN DRIVE!!
ok enough of shouting. truth is i am absolutely DELIRIOUS and EXCITED and can't wait to drive this weekend!! BUT i have to tone down a little bit cuz even on a normal day i am an overly dramatic person so imagine me NOW. *trying my bestest best to contain my excitement in ofc!*
before i went for my test this morning, mr. lee commented that i was gg to pass cuz i had no confidence for the test AT ALL. and i replied him, "how cud it be? i drove realli well during my 1st test and they failed me. THEY FAILED ME! i dunno wat to do for test this time. i oredi did my best during the last. i realli think dun i will pass this time also."
he jus stared at me and smiled. "don't worry, u will pass."
and true enough, I did. and i am still puzzled! today is THE absolute worst i've ever driven. not ONE OF THE WORST but THE ABSOLUTE WORST!
during my 1st test, i got the killer test route 6. i mus be damned to be so "lucky" to get the worse one out of 8 routes to pick from! and u wud nv guess that during my 2nd test today.. I GOT THE SAME BLOODY ROUTE!! i realli almost cried when i found out but well.. like i said earlier.. i had no intention of passing today so my attitude was jus "to hell with it!" and whack all the way!
so like i alwaes tell everyone proudly, my circuit executions are normally flawless.. the slope, ramp, vertical parking, horizontal parking, directional change and crank course. i have the absolute flair for "catching" the correct spots and angle to turn/reverse. even for my 1st test, i left the circuit for the public roads demerit point-less!
and today.. OMG.. i parked the worse vertical parking and only a so-so horizontal parking. the directional change was the worse.. i almost mounted the kerb! and i only mounted the kerb ONCE in my whole driving lesson history! so i asked for a re-do and even with the re-do.. the car was not straight and i reversed like 3 or 4 times to make sure it looked like it was in the correct position (when it was not, of cuz). my hands were trembling at that point! but by sheer luck.. i managed to pull out of the lot alive.
when i went on the road.. i was realli lucky.. the roads were as clear as can be...! AMAZING! i changed lane with ease and hardly any feeling of panic. i failed at lane-changing for my last test (even tho i felt i did quite well! :P) so i was exceptionally careful this time with the 3 lane changes for this killer test-route.
during my 1st test, i peeped at the testers laptop every few minutes to monitor my demerit points.. but i realised that was too stressful.. so this time, i refrained from looking until the last 5 minutes of the test route, when i cudn't stand it anymore.. i took a quick peep at the laptop and saw 12 points! then i started to repeat to myself in my head, "pls drive as careful as a mouse back to school.. pls pls pls pls.."
and 5 minutes later.. i was back at sch.. sitting at the tester's office.. and collecting my result script with the big fat PASS printed. *WOOHOO!*
ok now comes the most bizarre part of all.
the 1st tester i had durign my 1st test was friendly, encouraging and spoke very very kindly. i thot.. i wud surely pass with a tester like that! but it turned out that he was pretty strict and became impatient towards the end, and even with my flawless driving (or so i thot) he failed me! (i was also kinda dressed to kill.. flowy short dress all. :p)
today, my tester had the most unfriendly face and the most disapproving tone of voice when he speaks.. and yet with my horrendous driving and flustered hands.. HE PASSED ME?! (i was covered from head to toe today??)
so u say la, weird or not?!
ok i am not saying that i am not happy la but it is jus weird, u kno? :p
*smiling at everyone today! even the jee-ko-peks on the trains! la la la la la..!*
apologies for this abrupt close of my entry. i am simply too delirious.. i can't think properly now!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The Return of the BOYBANDS!
There's been this sudden surge of boybands making a comeback in the pop scene recently and i must say.. it makes me feel old.. ok that was not my point. :p
to me, it's interesting to see what these folks from yester years look like now from the last time i saw them when i was.. well i think 16.
some scared me to death.. and some realli left my mouth gaping. judge for urself.
don't doubt this.. this was shot only this year.. HWO COME BOYZONE LOOKS BETTER THAN THEY DID 10 YEARS AGO? and i mean all 5 of them! the less-famous 3 look even better than they used to back in the heydays! "I realli dun geddit!"
NKOTB's gotta be the biggest surprise comeback this year. but i have to say only joey mcintyre is still ok looking.. jordan knight's eyes are so wrinkly! the rest.. gave a bit of creeps actually.. they're nothing more than uncles to me! i cudn't find the video on youtube but u guys shud totally check it out if u get the chance.. it is a little bit painful to watch 3 uncles act sexy!
what is BSB without kev.. he is like the mr. man of bsb! but anyhow.. they look pretty much the same.. jus a little bit more buffier (or fatter) and sporting a more ruffled up look. music's jus so-so.
so based on the above.. my vote goes to Boyzone for keeping so well in the aspect of looks and it is a bonus that the song is pretty catchy!
needless to say, i will be keeping a lookout for them in the next few months.. :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Food for Thought.
Never underestimate the power of "I LOVE YOU".
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Phone Wars!
dun remember if i've blogged abt this before.. but i've traded in my trusty ol' nokia 6300 for the IT-savvy Sony Ericsson W960i..this was a result of witnessing my sister using the phone and thinking to myself, "This phone is total coolness! i have to get it too!" and not realising that perhaps it was my sister who made it cool, and nothing at all to do with the phone itself.
so anywae.. within weeks, i became the proud owner of a W960i and also the 1st time owner of a Smart phone.. and truth be told.. i realised i am not exactly someone who needs so much technology on a day-to-day basis.. and i also realised i am not as cool as my sister who was using the phone with ease. i was having problems with adjusting to it.
and as most Smart phone owners would know.. they run on Symbian and system is prone to "hanging" when you have a lot of applications running at the same time. i will honestly say that i nv had this problem when i was using the traditional java programmed phones like my Nokia 6300.
so one month into owning the W960i, i got a bit irritated with its system alwaes hanging on me and its functions are way too complicated for my simple mind. but well.. the phone did cost me quite a bit.. so i decided to hold out until my mobile phone contract ends at the end of a 2-yr span.
at least that was wat i thot until 2 months into using the phone.. the mic gave up on me. it refused to work. whenever i had incoming calls, the person on the other line wud not be able to hear me AT ALL. i had to put up with the nonsense for 2 days until i finally decided..
I AM NOT SMART ENOUGH FOR A SMART PHONE. or perhaps i was just not destined for a Sony Ericsson.
and so i walked myself to the mobile phone service provider and traded in the W960i for a spanking new Nokia 6600 Slide.
yea, so i am a Nokia fan after all. its fashionista appearance and simple functions are jus perfect for someone like me - a bimbo.i swear, these images do this phone an injustice.. it is so pretty in my hands!! and the best thing abt its interface (other than the fact it is java-supported, not Symbian) is that, it is like an upgraded version of my Nokia 6300.. and i am truly loving it! (i dun remember being this excited when i laid my hands on the W960i for the 1st time - if anything i felt lost using it!)
I guess the moral of my story is.. the good stuff might not suit you the best.. i.e. mai gei kiang! :p
i've learnt my lesson well this time!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Call me MRS LEE! :p
My ROM turned out absolutely perfect. God has been kind to me. Weather was great, guests were merry, family and good friends were all present. i didn't exactly make a personal definition of wat wud make a perfect ROM but it jus turned out the way it was - PERFECT!
I will need time to put up pictures so pls be patient.
Most imptly, thank you to all those who made it special.. each and every single one of you I invited - u hold a special place in my heart and i am grateful u have shared a very precious moment with me on Sunday. My deepest apologies for not being able to spend time with all of you but I will make up for you in the coming days - dinner or something. :)
i think i will need to revise the meaning of BLOG. it is not an abbreviation for weblog but more like backlog.
BACKLOG = B-LOG = BLOG (i have so many things to blog abt but have jus absolutely NO TIME!)
so hard to be a responsible blogger!!! but i will strive to be one as hard as i strive to be a good wife!!
*blissful smile!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
i kno i owe u guys the post abt my bachelorette party.. but that is going to be a huge one so it has to wait!! i am amidst the madness of my ROM preparations.. we are 3 days away!!!! *gasp!* following that i will also post details of the actual day, of cuz.. :)
but for now.. want to share a good deal with u peeps.
i am into the last days of my ROM preparations and doing all the last minute beauty treats i can possible find. (this includes sleeping early everyday from today to sunday!)
so i walked into SASA during lunch today to find some facial masks.. and chanced upon good ones at only SGD3.00 each!! (buy 2 get 1 free some more!! that means each sheet is only 2 bucks!)
So i grabbed 3 (one for each of the days before my ROM) and went to the counter to pay. when the cash register charged a total amount of SGD4.80 and i was like, "Huh?! so cheap?" then the lady explained that they were having a promotion and each sheet is only going for SGD1.60 each!!!
but well i have not tried it yet so i did not rush back to grab more BUT i love SASA stuff so far so i have no doubt this will turn out good too.
some examples of great buys from SASA so far. and since my discovery on them, i have nv looked back! MUST-HAVES of my daily beauty regime! this baby.. i cannot and will not live without it! it is pretty costly at SGD69.90 per bottle but i wud spend my last cent on it with no questions asked!!
this is not spectacular but it managed to replace my 60 bucks moisturizer and work just as well at only SGD19.90! What a steal, right?! and it is so powerful that u only need to use a little at a time and one tub realli goes a loooong way!
and back to the masks i was raving abt before i got sidetracked to my skincare miracles.. :p there are a variety of brands, scents and purpose (moisturize, collagen, relaxation) of masks for you to choose from and i was truly spoilt for chioce!
i am definitely going back to Sasa for more facial masks when i am finished with the 3!
there are simply no more excuses for girls to say that beauty maintenance is too expensive bla bla bla.
like ppl alwaes say, "世界上没有丑女人,只有懒女人"!
how true! :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
***SNEAK PREVIEW*** Bachelorette Party @ Hotel Naumi - Sep 6
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Good Shopping Day!
you know how there are days when u have a list of things to get and u jus can't seem to find a single thing from that list to buy? they are always either out of stock, or not available in the size/colour u want, or jus not the way u imagined it so u end up not buying them.
now THAT is a Bad Shopping Day. When you walk round and round and think abt whether u shud buy something or look ard some more but decide to buy nothing at the end of the day.
then there are also those days whereby every single shop u walk into, there is something that catches ur eye, and it happens to be one of the things on your to-buy list! so u end up with lots of choices but it is always easy to choose cuz there is alwaes something u like so much that u have already set ur mind to get it and u're jus looking ard at other options to "confirm" ur decision.
i love Good Shopping Days such as these and i had one of the best yesterday!
me and *him* both left office earlier to get an early headstart cuz we were afraid of having a Bad Shopping Day.
by 5pm, we were at tampines mall (cuz we had to pick up our rings there). the only cock-up that day wast hat when we reached the jewellery shop, they told us the dispatch had not come yet so our rings were not ready for collection. but since we had things we needed to buy, we decided to do the shopping while waiting to collect the rings.
so our list was short but i did not think it wud be easy getting them: white shoes and white belt.
the shoes were more of a headache cuz we originally had bought his clothes to match the existing white shoes that he had. but we only reaslised that they did not match when we put them all together. so now we had to go find another pair of white shoes that actually goes with wat we have.
we walked into the 1st shop and saw not 1, not 2, but 3 pairs of white shoes that wud fit the bill. and that we both atually liked all 3 of them! (hardly happens, we have quite distinctly different tastes.) but we decided not to be rash and walked ard some more.
in the next 3 shops we walked into, we managed to find something we like in all of them. but the decision was simple, our hearts were with the 1st 3 pairs we saw in the 1st shop. so now it;s jus to decide, which one shud it be?
we went back to the 1st shop and eliminated one pair and tried on the other 2 pairs and easily decided on one of them.
White shoes - DONE!
next we walked into 77th street to find us a nice white belt. now this didn't take much time nor decision-making skills. we walked in, there was a pretty white belt staring at us and we got that. simple!
after we paid and thot abt wat we shud do then as we were done shopping, the phone rang. our rings were here for collection!
Now, how cool is that? it's almost as if we had our timing all planned out!
after we were done, we went for dinner and when i glanced at my watch after dinner, it was only 7.16pm!
collection and fitting of rings, shoe shopping, belt shopping and dinner all in only abt 2 hours! AMAZING!
i think there must be a shopping god up there.. and thank u for blessing me with a good shopping day! i appreciate it very very much! i will repay u by doing more shopping!
*if only there was such a religion then shopping wud not be SINFUL!!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My Vivid Imagination = Weird Dreams
as my sister alwaes says - "you alwaes have weird dreams."
i had a weird dream last night.
i dreamt that i was boarding an SBS bus.. and as i walked up the steps.. i looked into the face of the driver and found myself staring into the face of Barack Obama!
perhaps I have been seeing him telly too much.. i dunno! i am not even a fan of politics!
so it happens that i am the only person who recognised him so i uttered an "oh.. my.. god.." and everyone started to turn my way and realise who he is.
Obama then smiled kindly to everyone and asked all to be seated while he drives us all to an auditorium.
then, i find myself suddenly transported to the auditorium with the rest of the ppl in the bus (u kno how the places in ur dreams alwaes suddenly changes without u having to travel/walk??) and Obama has changed out of his driver's uniform and dressed in a smart suit now.
in his usual charismatic fashion, he stands at the podium and appears to be giving a speech, except the sounds and noises ard me are muted.. i can only see that he is happily waving at us. so i whipped out my camera and started to snap away. and suddenly, i realise that *he* is beside me.. *his* reaction was nonchalant - as is in real life. i pass my camera to *him* and ran down the auditorium to stand beside Mr. Obama and signalled for *him* to snap a picture for us.
following that, armies of ppl rushed down to do the same.. Obama's bodyguards then run out to escort him away from the mob of ppl and out of the auditorium. and throughout all these, his kind smile nv left his face.
if this is a premonition, i hope it's a good one! which makes me wonder.. cud my weird dreams be a form of premonition? premonitions that i dunno how to interpret??
oh i forgot to add that the dream ended with me being angry with *him* cuz when i checked the picture that *he* had taken for me and Obama, i saw only myself with the throng of ppl and Obama was nowhere to be found in the picture!
so there u go, one more addition to my "weird dreams"!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
前一阵子有提过。。 家里为了要看模范棒棒堂而定了channel V。。 不知不觉就这样子看了快一年了。。 每个礼拜的星期一到星期五,只要我那天没事我一定都会看。。 就算有事我也一定会在节目开始前到家。。
而昨天。。 看了模范棒棒堂的第一届低迪毕业了。。 意思说他们所有人都会换上新低迪。。 也就是他们所谓的第二代低迪。。
而这是我好久以来在电视前面大哭了。。 好舍不得他们。。 为什么要毕业?做得好好的。。 为什么要换新低迪?真的真的好舍不得。。
在看完节目后,当下的心情。。 好比是要送走自己亲手养大了的小孩一样。。 非常心酸。
也不知道这节目是怎么做到的。。 它让它的观众都感受得到现场的气氛。。 和所有人的感动。。 让我这一年来好像交了一群新朋友一样。。 天天都想追看他们的生活点滴。。
而现在。。 第一届低迪离开后。。 没了那股想追看节目的心情了。。 谁知道哪一天当我适应了新低迪后,他们几时又要毕业了呢?
从我开始看节目到他们毕业。。 从不认识低迪们到每一个都叫得出名字来。。 我真的很不舍得啦。。六棒 - 敖犬,阿伟,威廉,小煜,小杰。 宅男暑 - Terry, Elmo,小禄,鳂鱼, 李泉,牙膏,虎牙。 公主帮 - 阿本,毛弟,小马,野兽,翰将,多多,小滨。还有一个最可惜的。。 小乐。。 他最无辜啦。。 上堂的时间才那么一下下。。 就要毕业了?! 要是他早点被选进来。。 说不定他可能会是六棒其中之一。。 我相当看好他!
不过,不管我再怎么看好他。。 也没用啦。。 原本以为 channel v 会把小乐留下当班长。。 可是看来不可能了啦。。 第二节的新低迪们都已经选出来了。。 都没看到小乐半个影。 真令人失望!
唯一安慰的是。。 至少堂主还是大家熟悉的范范。。 而她也将会是最辛苦的。。 要重新和新低迪们认识,了解和培养默契。。 想必并不简单。。 想在这里跟堂主说。。 “加油!模范棒棒堂下来的命运就全靠你了!好好给它撑下去!”
第一届的低迪们 - 永远都会记得你们对模范棒棒堂的贡献。。 没有你们,就不会有今天的模范棒棒堂。。 你们不要永远消失,好吗? 有空要回来看看我们。。 看看堂主。。 祝你们在未来的演艺生涯里大红大紫。。 为模范棒棒堂争光!
新低迪们。。 在前两晚看了你们的选拔过程。。 也知道大家都来头不小。。 希望你们也能像第一届低迪们一样。。 带给大家欢乐和喜悦。。 在接下来的日子里发光发热!
****** 最新消息!小乐将会过渡参加第二届低迪们的录影!继续在模范棒棒堂里现身!开心啦!******
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
crazy weekends and more ahead~
things i am panicking over - 1. the groom does not have matching shoes, 2. the makeup artiste may not know how i want my hair done, 3. all the colours in the function room may not match up.. ok there are probably one million other things i am fretting over.
i dunno why. i have been very jumpy and temperamental for the past 2 weeks. :( it is not a good feeling and i dun like it.
now i understand wat it means when ppl say, "i am too tired to be feeling excited".
maybe it's jus me. i make everything look so simple. but when i actually start to do it.. it is far from wat it seems.. and i dun take such things well.
i shud be feeling excited. but somehow my spirits are dampened. it is absolutely not how i envisioned it to be. very depressing.
my girlies and i are gonna be putting up at Hotel XXXXX this weekend and i dun have half the things i need for the party. :(
another grp of pals want to do Zouk this Friday.. and suddenly i am so not in the mood for club. i dun want to feel like that but i can't control it.
i find myself feeling a bit like Carrie in Sex and the city.
all i wanted was to snuggle up on the couch with *him* every weekend.. fall asleep by *his* side every night.. watch *him* eat my less-than-delicious cooking like a hungry solider.. and live like the happiest girl alive.
how did things boil down to such technicality it is now?
i am so not the happiest girl right now. :(
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
quick quick quick.. i have a lot of updates!!
From my post dated Aug 13:
1. Alter my white dress - and i dun realli kno if the tailor can do wat needs to be done.. - DONE! Collecting it on Friday!
2. Wedding bands - The one I wanted does not come in my ring size and there's no time to make one cuz we are running out of time. So I need to go and pick out a new one. It is no easy feat, i tell u!! - DONE! Collecting them this weekend!
3. Buy his shirt - this totally slipped my mind.. we have to go shopping this weekend! - Almost done! We bought the shirt over the weekend and just need to make a trip to the tailor's to get the shirt slightly adjusted. Hopefully will be ready by this Friday too!
4. DIY decorations for my ROM venue - have to go DAISO to get stuff.. they've got amazing stuff there! - Going to make the trip with my sister and 3sa this Sunday.. hope to clear everything that day!
5. Confirm the type of flowers we're gonna use for venue + hand bouquet + posies - Now that the colour of his shirt has changed.. so has the theme! I'll have to call the florist to discuss again!
I am quite proud of myself! I got most of the things done within less than a week! I think listing down things to be done is realli effective.. at least for me!
so now we are officially into the 3rd last week of my singlehood. and counting down 20 days to my ROM.. *gasps* too fast too fast!! i am (surprisingly!) suddenly getting cold feet. considering i am so looking forward to getting hitched.. it is kinda unexpected for me to have such feelings, even for myself. but they are not so much of whether he is realli the one? or am i doing the right thing? but more of like, am i suited for marriage? am i realli ready to be someone's wife? these thots crossed my mind yesterday when we were cruising in the car.. and he was blabbering some non-significant stuff next to me.. and my mind jus started wandering at the sound of his voice.. even things like whether i was going to be ok listening to this voice for the next 50 years of my life crossed my mind.. but of cuz.. as of now, i am not tired of it yet.. and i doubt i will tire of it in the near future too. :)
hopefully these jitters will go away soon and i can be more excited than nervous when the day comes.. for now i am jus looking forward to my bachelorette party next weekend..
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I cud not wake up.
i took a quick shut-eye in the office's board room today as i was in desperate need of sleep.. i was aiming for no more than 10 min.. so i shut the room's door and propped myself up on one of the chairs and slept away.. i fell into deep sleep after barely 5 minutes.
i am a light sleeper, as most kno, so i was confident i wud hear footsteps if someone did approach the board room. and surely, i did. and not only did i hear footsteps, i heard voices.. and laughters.. a group was walking towards the board room! i've got to wake up now now now!
thing is.. i cud not.. i tried to force myself to move.. but i cud not.. the footsteps were getting louder.. and the voices appearing nearer.. no wait.. the voices appear to be around me now.. BUT I CUD NOT SNAP OUT OF MY NAP.
when i finally did wake up, the room was empty, all was quiet..
did i hear those footsteps or not? did those ppl come in and left? or were "they" in the room with me all the time? was i only dreaming?
guess i'll never know. but one thing i kno, i am going to 拜拜 this weekend.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:07 PM 2 comments
Something amazing happened to Ms. Tham on August 11!
Congratulations to Ms. Tham and Mr. Seah!! I dunno why but I am exceptionally happy to hear news such as this!
I've taken a peek at Mr. Seah's blog and read abt his blog posts abt u... so darn sweet!! Ms. Tham just might hav found THE ONE!
Ms. Tham.. am waiting for your updates ar... DUN YOU DARE MISS OUT ON ANY SINGLE DETAIL!!!! :D
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 9:49 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Fann-Fair Wong
It's not just us, regular folks, who have this problem ok.. The apparently-internationally-reknowned actress also has the same problem!The too-fair-for-your-skintone-makeup look!
or perhaps that's just how thick her make-up is.
see, without photoshop, she looks just like you and me. i suspect some of us look better, even. *heh!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
The One About The Laser Op
*he* went for a laser surgery last friday for a recurring pain in his shoulder due to the weekly badminton games he plays. perhaps he did not know it wud turn out to be quite a major op so he said he wud check himself in, go for the 45-min op and take a cab home - all on his own.
but u know, being the worry-wart i am.. i can nv be at ease abt such things. so i dropped by the hospital during lunch that day to see if i can give him a bit of moral support.. just in case he got last minute cold feet! (which turned out - he did!) but as typical as he can be.. he was late for the 2-hour-before-op check-in time and i ended up sitting at the hospital ward waiting for him for 45 minute before i had to head back to office. and i didn't even get to see him!
when he finally reached the hospital, i was oredi back in office and he called to tell me that he reached oredi. i sneakily asked, "so u checked into ward 4131, right? Class A ward ar... shiok.."
he - "How u kno???"
me - "I was there jus now la.. u said you'll be there by 12pm wat.."
he - "Oh! No wonder the nurse told me I had visitors even before i check-in! Sorry sorry.. i was late la!"
and then the phone call ended abruptly as the nurses came to get him ready and wheeled him into the OT.
right after work i headed down to the hospital and sat in his ward waiting for abt 2 hours. i was thinking to my self.. "so much for the 45-min op.. it is now more than 4 hours oredi.."
then at abt 6.30pm.. 2 nurses finally wheeled him back.. i guess it was the effect of the general anaesthesia.. he looked so limp and listless on the stretcher.. it pained me a little to see him look so vulnerable.. i have nv seen him like that before.. tears welled up in my eyes a little la.. u kno, i am such a crybaby!
when he was turned in my direction, he smiled weakly but sincerely at me. i smiled back at him and waited for the nurses to settle him down on his bed. his right shoulder was heavily padded and covered with a shoulder guard that prevents his whole right arm from any movement. i cud only imagine the pain he was in.
when the nurses left, he spoke to me briefly abt the op, abt how the Anaestatist was late for over an hour, hence the delay. but the effects of the anaesthesia had not worn out and so he slurred slightly in his speech. he looked rather terrible so i told him to go to bed. but as he had fasted the whole day for the op, he was too hungry to sleep. i went to get some porridge from the nurses and after feeding him the porridge, he went to sleep like a baby.
i quickly gathered my stuff and headed home for a quick wash up so that i can come back and accompany him for the night. doc had said that he will need to stay one night for observation to prevent inflamation and also to let the wound subside a bit before going home.
when i came back, i bought some more food as i was afraid he wud be hungry when he woke in the middle of the night. i dunno abt others but if i were in a hospital, i wud be pretty afraid to be alone and wud be realli terrified of being in the lonely ward. so i tried to return before he woke up so he won't feel so lonely.
but when i opened the door, his eyes were wide open and darted from the tv to me. he said he woke up once i left the room. :S
and as my intuition told me, he was HUNGRY. so we dug into the early supper (it was only 10pm) and watched Olympics tgt. Throughout the night, he could not sleep as his sleeping postures were restricted and his wound hurt a little. on top of which, he was on the glucose drip and had to pee quite often. i did not sleep much but whatever little bit that i did get, were quality sleep.
he was discharged the next morning and we basically spent the weekend at home, watching more Olympics and changing the ice pads for his wound.
looks like we both belittled the impact of the "minor" op. another weekend gone by without accomplishing the things we had in mind for our ROM preparations.
counting down 3 weekends to our ROM.. how ar.. dunno will have time to finish up everything not.... and wat if his wound does not recover in time?? :(
keep ur fingers crossed for me, wun u?
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Big Fat F. YEAH!!!
Failed my 1st attempt at the Practical Test for Driving (Auto-transmission).
the emotions rushing thru me now:
1. Embarrassed abt failing cuz i am learning to drive an auto-transmission car. it is often assumed that it is easier to pass an auto-transmission driving test but truth be told - it is realli an urban legend as the instructors told me that auto-transmission driving tests have a higher failure rate than manual-transmission driving tests at SSDC. undeniably, an auto car is way easier to drive compared to a manual car and because of that, testees r expected to drive an auto car flawlessly during the test and testers will fault you for ANY tiny mistake that you make, as compared to a manual-transmission driving test, where they will close a blind eye to the tiny mistakes that you may commit.
*the above paragraph is not an excuse for my failing!
2. Disappointed that I could not clear my driving once and for all.
3. Heartache about the money I paid for the stupid test. And that i have to pay another sum for re-test.
4. Upset that this is a Friday and I'm gonna be feeling lousy the whole eff-ing day.
Good news tho - managed to book the venue for my ROM.. and mind u, not one, but TWO! so now I have 2 venues to choose from..
Guess all my good luck was used up in this venue-booking thing.
But i think i would rather fail my test and have a venue for my ROM than pass my test and not have a venue for my ROM!
Positive-thinking.. POSITIVE-THINKING!!!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
32 days to my ROM! *panics!*
things i still have to do:
1. Alter my white dress - and i dun realli kno if the tailor can do wat needs to be done..
2. Wedding bands - The one I wanted does not come in my ring size and there's no time to make one cuz we are running out of time. So I need to go and pick out a new one. It is no easy feat, i tell u!!
3. Buy his shirt - this totally slipped my mind.. we have to go shopping this weekend!
4. DIY decorations for my ROM venue - have to go DAISO to get stuff.. they've got amazing stuff there!
5. Confirm the type of flowers we're gonna use for venue + hand bouquet + posies
i kno all these things sound so easy to settle but it realli isn't so.. each is time-consuming and gonna take a lot of travelling ard. and having to work from monday to friday leaves me time only on weekends. so technically i have abt 4 more weekends i.e. 8 days to finish up all of the above.
just when i thot i have got everything covered.. these little easy-to-overlook things pop up one by one and i am slowly feeling the pressure.
yday i finally dragged my lazy ass to meet my solemnizer at Toa Payoh where he attends the "Meet The People" Session. Yes my solemnizer is a member of parliament in the Toa Payoh GRC. I had to meet him so that he can sign the consent form to be our solemnizer at our ROM and I will need to furnish this form to the authorities for their filing/administration purpose when we pick up our marriage cert 3 days prior to the actual ROM.
Turns out he does not sound as blur as he does on the phone but definitely more fatherly than i thot him to be. He was very detailed in explaining the procedure to me and in the things that I needed to know.
And i have to add - altho he is a white-haired stout man, i can see traces of his once good-looking features on his now-wrinkled face. When he dug into his namecards to hand me one, I saw that he was not only a member of parliament with PAP, but also a big-shot executive with SingTel.
Most imptly, he made me feel realli comfortable and that made me feel realli at ease abt having him solemnize our marriage.
When he went thru the procedure with me, he kept mentioning the words "hubby" and "man and wife". It is a little strange for me at this point but I must admit the fact that I am going to be married is slowly sinking in now.. but it is still strange! :S
But well, that is probably the least of my concerns for now. I realli need to finalize a few things and enlist the help of my biological sister and the sista - the best friend sort. :p
and before that happens - which i kno will turn out great in the capable hands of those 2.. want to say THANK YOU in advance! :)
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 04, 2008
For a change, i thot i'd blog abt something nice today.
As many would have known by now, the bf and i will be getting legally married this coming sep 14.. on the lunar calendar's Mooncake Festival.
and i have heard this following question once too many - How do you know he is THE ONE?
1st of all, i dare say that we know each other inside out. we can literally finish up each other's sentences and predict the reaction of one another upon hearing some things. and the best part of this is that, we also totally understand why each of us say or do some things.
Example 1:
me - "ya, i don't like to put tattoos on prominient/flashy places."
him - "cuz she thinks that's too loud and she prefers to show it only when appropriate."
Example 2:
me - "i would nv quit my job not securing another one 1st."
him - "cuz if she starts to laze ard at home, she might nv be able to get her butt to move again."
but well.. some of you might now be thinking.. but these are such trivial stuff.. is that enough for you to decide that he's THE ONE?
of cuz not. trivial as they may be.. they are crucial in keeping the relationship stable and healthy.
but also.. more importantly.. i believe in my 2 mottos in relationship:
1. When 2 persons are together, they should make each other better persons.
2. Love conquers all.
I know the 2nd one sounds so cliche but i truly believe in it. if there is love, anything can be overcomed.
and as for the 1st motto.. it took me years to understand and when i fianlly did, i religiously swore by it.
he has, indeed, made me a better, better person.
i have turned from a perpetual bitter person, to a consciously happy person.
i have changed from a childish girl, to an understanding girlfriend.
i have learnt to truly forgive and forget.. without any excess baggage.
and to be able to become the person i am today.. it took us many years, many quarrels and many tears. and throughout all these time.. he never gave up on me.
and that, is why i kno he is THE ONE.
he teaches me but listens to me as well.
he restricts my splurging habits but spoils me rotten with little pleasures.
he knows what all the things i dislike and never repeats his mistakes twice.
above all.. he treats me with equal respect and importance as himself, if not more.
how much more can i ask from a man? aside from loving me for who i am, which is the most fundamental basis of a relationship, i cannot be more grateful that he is my mentor, best friend, soulmate and lover all at once. I look forward to placing more labels on him such as husband, father and the love of my life.
I am as contented as I can ever be and I can firmly tell everyone that, he is THE ONE for me.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I nv thot I wud put up such a disgusting face on my blog but THIS I realli gotta share!
I was reading and came across this.. it is too darn hilarious! (This is not plagarism but better to state source, eh? and because of this plagarism episode.. i am suddenly proud of myself that i am absolutely capable of writing my own posts without stealing from anyone! who wud have known that readers wud actually take this for granted and that writers shud now feel that it is an esteemed virtue on to blogosphere to be writing ur own, original posts! wat a joke!!)
A little game of Spot-The-Difference!
I cannot imagine ANYONE photoshopping their pictures to make their own breasts look bigger! *ROFL!*
even for me, someone who edits pictures using paintbrush (cannot afford photoshop la!) to superimpose myself with some famous person like Brad Pitt, this is insane! my paintbrush-editted pictures are purely for comic-relief.. meant to look fake just to earn some smiles from my friends - my sister would rem some of the funniest pictures i created with Edison and Jay Chou! but with the MONKEY.. her pictures are meant to deceive.. tsk tsk tsk..
unabashedly.. i admit to be one of the most vain person ard. i alwaes put on my make-up in the most immaculate manner. but it has NEVER EVER crossed my mind to do such a thing to mislead ppl! (and look how weird she's made her fren's arm look by enlarging her own breasts!)
and most imptly, i am totally contented and happy with how i look. i may lament abt my humble boobs, round hips, dark eye rings and wat not.. but i wud nv, in my life, do a thing to permanantly change anything abt them.
seriously MONKEY, u r definitely deluded and slightly deranged. stop ur monkey acts and see a vet, pls. you are definitely sick in the membrane!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
*puke* DY *puke*
As XX very openly announces on her latest blog entry, i must say that i feel the same for her.
the DY saga just never ends! more entertainment drama for readers like me!
this is the real expose and it is UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE! - even tho i am sure all fellow DY haters have long suspected this side of her.
and this further reinforces my mentality towards entertainment news - there won't be smoke if there is not fire. *winks*
I love the powerful statement the writer wrote at the end of the blog. and i share her sentiments exactly.
I am going to be digging for them, one-by-one, until the the day you apologize, and DISAPPEAR FOREVER from the limelight you never deserved.
I couldn't agree more. THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME!
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i cannot begin to tell u how bad my day has been.
1st, the monster makes me cry (yet again) in the office. that's ok. maybe i'll be fine after i get used to his sneaky ways.
and then i fell down in the middle of raffles place. on all fours. grazed both my knees and elbows and one of the elbows is gushing with blood. :(
before i fell, i had gone to the dessert stall at The Arcade and bought, 3 tang-yuan soup, 3 barley with ginko nut, 3 longan with almond jelly and 3 white fungus with dates.
after the fall, i was left with 3 tang-yuan soup, 1 barley with gingko nut, 3 longan with almond jelly and 2 white fungus with dates.
i had spilled 2 barley with gingko nut and 1 white fungus with dates.
and i earned myself a very awkward position in the middle of raffles place. my elbows and knees hurt. i had to pick myself up and clean up the mess i made in the middle of raffles city. the plastic bags holding the containers broke. i had to pick them up one by one and carry them back like a balancing act. if u are too lazy to count, that is balancing 9 containers with 2 injured arms back to office! on top of which, i had my handphone and wallet with me.. so with all these in my poor 2 hands, i also had to grab the broken plastic bags, dripping with barley with gingko buts and white fungus with dates, and toss them into the nearby bin.
nope. no one offered help. in the busy raffles place bustling with people and life. NO ONE OFFERED HELP.
i felt so pitiful of myself, i almost cried there and then. (but then again, it cud be becuz the monster triggered my tear ducts today. they jus kept coming.)
so ya. this is the one of the worst days of my life this year. :(
it feels like as tho the Gods are warning me that there will be more coming my way.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
now i'm preggers, now i'm not!
oops. sorry for the lack of updates. it's just that my life has been such a bliss lately that there is realli nothing for me to rant abt. as is the purpose of this blog. :p
but well.. today i am going to write abt something close to the heart. LITERALLY close to the heart..! my breasts!
before you break out in laughing fits, lemme tell u y i am writing abt my humble assets.
as most girls would understand, during that time of the month, or rather, slightly before that time of the month known as PMS, some of us will have headaches, backaches, mood swings and constant cravings. and for me, i get the most horrible sore breasts. they hurt so much that sometimes i try to walk as gently as i can. yes they hurt even as i walk!
so wat happened was, last week during my PMS period.. i had the worst sore breasts. they hurt like a bitc*, i swear! but then i started to count the days on my calendar.. not right leh.. they are not supposed to hurt until 2 weeks from now! (yes, i count every single day of my cycle.. they have been very very accurate so far!) but well, i thot.. maybe it's just come early this month.. let's wait and see.
but no. it did not go away. it hurt more the next day. and even more the next day. and the next day of the next day of the next day, i awoke in the middle of the night startled by the pain. it was unbearable. i stayed awake the whole night thinking, wat was wrong with them? why are they hurting so much and for so long? i dun remember them ever staying so sore for so long. then i started to count the days on my calender again..
uh oh.
could i be... preggers???
and from that day on.. i lived everyday thinking that i might be preggers. when i walked, i walked slowly. when i was hungry, i ate immediately. when i had a craving, i made sure i took care of it. when i reached for something cold to drink, i reminded myself that i cudn't. i spoke to my colleagues with kids and subtlely probed abt the early days of their pregnancy. i even decided to wait until i missed my next period before i would get it checked.
i lived like that for a week. and last night, i felt the soreness in my breasts change into something else. it became a dull, throbbing pain. nothing like the kind of soreness i experienced before.
i started to have second thots abt being preggers. wat if i wasn't preggers.. wat it my humble assets were sick? :(
i made an appointment with the doctor 1st thing this morning and when i saw the doctor at lunch time, she asked me many questions, touched and probed my assets and finally said, "You have dense breasts."
WHAT THE HELL IS DENSE BREASTS??? Small breasts i kno. Flat chest i kno. but dense breasts??? WTH?!
the sweet doctor went on to explain that breasts are made of fats and body fluid. and apparently i have little fats and more fluid. (yes, i know there were not much fats in them long ago.) and the reason why it hurts now is because there is simply too much fluid in them and they are unable to drain away. hence, is causing the discomfort. this is also one of the PMS symptoms called water rentention. apparently i have it more serious than others.
the doctor then offered to either gimme painkillers or medication to expedite the draining.. but on the other hand, it wud go away with time, in a matter of weeks. so i decided to do it the au naturale way. i didn't want to be the 1st person to take painkillers cuz of sore breasts!
well.. now that i kno i am not preggers nor is there anything wrong with my humble assets, i feel much better. altho i do not mind being preggers tho. *motherly instincts kicking in once again!*
and this.. is the story of my sore breasts. i wonder if ppl got MCs for sore breasts? *Kekeke!*
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
New Office MONSTER!
I realised it's been some time since I've met an office monster. 自闭症 is NOTHING compared to this new monster!
Monster joined us about a month back as a department director. He is the typical kind of guy who is funny, friendly and approachable when you FIRST meet him. but as u work more and more with him, u wonder to yourself, "how the hell did this guy land himself in the position that he now holds?? he knows shit!"
but as you get to know him EVEN better, u realise he is impossible.. he does not even know how to use POWERPOINT??? and that he's funny cuz he needs to maintain peace with everyone. friendly cuz he needs all the help he can get ard here. approachable cuz he wants u to be approachable to him when he approaches u abt once in every 5 minutes.
seriously, how did he get this job in the first place!
and because he is so incompetent (but no one else knows but U), u end up having to do all of his work and him just giving and giving you more and more work. because, simply, he does not know how to operate his machine, right?
he can't cut and paste reports and consolidate them, cuz "the formats get messed up".
he can't subscribe to his own magazines online cuz "the server is too darn slow".
he can't call and cancel his own appointments cuz "i have called her one time too many".
he can't buy his own mug cuz "there are too many options out there". but remembers to tell u to buy a plain blue one.
so bascially, he can't get anything done on his own. he needs help with EVERYTHING he does.
and at the end of the day, u help him do everything, making sure he gets all that he needs at the deadline stipulated and miss out on your own work and deadline.
he comes to your desk the next morning and slams 2 thick files of namecards beside you.
monster: "when are these going to get filed?"
me: "i didn't realise you needed them urgently since I've already input ALL the data into your outlook contacts. but if u need them filed, i will get it done by Friday."
monster: "no, i have been waiting for them to be filed for over a week now. i want them done tomorrow. shud i talk to A (my boss) abt this or will u just do it?"
me: "talk to A abt what?"
monster: "this! things are not getting done ard here!"
Things are not getting done ard here?? THINGS ARE NOT GETTING DONE ARD HERE?? so what is all those shit work i have been doing for him over the past weeks?!?! have i missed a single deadline? NO! Have i refused any of his work?? NO! Am I his secretary?? NO! I am only standing in for him until he hires one! Even my own boss don't talk to me this way!
me: "it's up to you. talk to him if you want."
it was the most polite thing i managed to say and i almost had to force a smile. except i didn't. i didn't even look at him when i spoke. I WAS FUMING INSIDE!
monster: "ok, i'll do that."
and he walked away.
filing namecards is the least impt thing to do, IMO. it is something i wud do when i am free. apparently some ppl do not think of it that way. it is of utmost importance that namecards be filed EVERYDAY.
maybe i should realli "not get things done" and show him wat "things are not getting done ard here" means.
Posted by Mrs. Lee at 4:17 PM 1 comments